активная кислотность

Research of composition and physical-chemical properties of curd whey concentrate obtained by nanofiltration

The article presents studies of nanofiltrate-curd whey concentrate

samples as well as its calculated nutritional and caloric value. It shows the expediency of

using nanofiltrate-curd whey concentrate in the production of functional dairy products.

An alternative replacement for traditional preserving agent in dairy industry

In the laboratory rekombination method samples of concentrated milk product with sugar and malt extract were produced. The developed product was analyzed for physical and chemical, organoleptic and microbiological quality indicators. Besides the vitamin, mineral and carbohydrate composition of concentrated milk product with replacement of 10 % sucrose on malt extract was studied. It was established that the vitamin content increases by 6-9 times, minerals 1.5-3 times. Introduction of malt extract leads to diversity of the carbohydrate profile of the developed product.

Development of concentrated sweet milk products based on curd whey

В лабораторных условиях способом рекомбинирования были вы- работаны образцы концентрированного молочного продукта с частичной заменой сухого обезжиренного молока и воды на жидкую творожную молочную сыворотку. В результате установлено, что разработанный продукт по физико-химическим и по органолептическим показателям качества в целом соответствуют требованиям нормативной документации на традиционное сгущенное молоко с сахаром.

Desk02 theme
