
Еffictiveness of insecticides in crops sinapis alba

On crops of white mustard on sod-slightly podzolic soil with a humus content of 2.6%, pests were registered: pests of beetles, bugs, and aphids. High efficiency of Sumi-alpha, EC was revealed with a consumption rate of 0.2 l/ha on the 20th day after treatment, the effectiveness against flea beetles, rape flower beetles, bugs and aphids was 92.6%, 93.4%, 97.5% and 98.5%, respectively.

The effect of biologies on calega orientalis pests

On sod-weakly podzolic soil with a humus content of 2.6% that is in the Vologda region the pests such as striped, moth-like sitona, clover seed-eaters, various bedbugs and fleas were registered on Galega orientalis crops. A fairly high efficiency (85.2-90.4%) of the bitoxibacillin (BTB), P biologies against pests with a consumption rate of 4 kg/ha was established. The efficiency of dendrobacillin, P biopreparation with a consumption rate of 4 kg/ha was 62.5-87.6 %.

Insecticide effect on sinapis alba pests

The most common pests have been identified on the seed crops of wild mustard on the sod-weakly podzolic soil of the Vologda region. They are wavy cabbage flea, black cabbage flea, rapeseed pollen beetle, cabbage bugs, herbal bugs, mustard bugs and cabbage aphids. A high efficiency of insecticides against pests has been established. Among them are Sumi-alpha, CE with a flow rate of 0.2 l /ha-93.5-99.3 %; Karate Zeon, ISS with a flow rate of 0.1 l/ha – 90.5-93.5% and Fastak, CE with a flow rate of 0.1 l / ha – 84.5-90.5 %.

The analysis of the reproductive qualities in dairy cows depending on the Dairy Comp 305 system of electronic registration

the use of information technologies  is an important factor for improving productivity in animal husbandry and the industry on the whole. Electronic programs such as Dairy Comp 305 can help to achieve greater results. The program is installed for the first time in the Vologda region at «PZ Pokrovskoye OOO» (Limited Liability Company). There is no information about the effectiveness of its use. The article presents the characteristics of the company and the main reproduction indicators in 2013-2018.

Economic justification of using sugar beet harvesters

The article analyzes advantages and disadvantages of the main types of sugar beet combines and presents comparative economic efficiency of their use in modern conditions. Economic efficiency estimate of sugar beet combines is based on estimation of production processes, the main criterion of which is saving operating costs per unit. Economic efficiency of using sugar beet combines has been determined on the basis of calculating operating costs per unit of work, according to the data of the Tambov oblast, Michurinsky district sugar beet farms.

Oil flax as a global raw material resource for fiber production

The article presents the analysis of the state of oil flax production in Russia and other countries. The characteristics of the raw material base, sown areas, yield, gross harvest and export of flax seeds, and the state of the oilseed market are considered. The directions of oil flax development have been determined with the aim of significantly increasing the production of flax seeds for the production of food products and increasing the assortment of new pharmaceutical preparations.

Prospects for integration development in potato as the northwestern federal district of the russian federation (on the example of Leningrad region)

Trends of potato production in the Russian northwestern federal region over the past ten years have been studied. A comparative analysis with national figures has been also conducted in the work. The hypothesis is that the growth of income and the labor intensity of potato production in the private sector cause the potato production decline in the region and in the country. In this regard, it has been proposed for farms with dairy specialization to produce potato as the main activity in the conditions of the Russian north-west federal region.

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