
Evaluating harvested feed in the Vologda Region for the presence of nitrate compounds

The improvement of agriculture is inextricably linked with the increase in feed production. The intensive feed production system involves using high doses of nitrogen fertilizers. This significantly increases the yield, but at the same time nitrates accumulate in soil, water and feed. Excessive amount of nitrates causes the wrong course of functioning in natural ecosystems and animal organisms, there is a decrease in the biological value of products. Meanwhile, the importance of nitrates and their impact on human health has increased recently.

Soft cheese production in the conditions of individual and collective farms

The work is aimed at studying the suitability of milk for cheese making and developing the technology for soft cheeses production by the thermoacid method in the conditions of personal subsidiary, individual, and collective farms. Research works have been carried out to determine the quality of milk from cows of “Studencheskiy” Scientific Production Center of the Chuvash State Agrarian University. Studies of milk at the testing laboratory center of the university were carried out according to generally accepted methods.

Quality and nutritive value of Galega orientalis silage depending on the moisture content of the silage mass

In the experiments we studied the effect of the moisture content in

plant raw materials when making silage from Galega orientalis on its nutritional value

and quality. It has been found that the moisture content of raw materials has a great

impact on the quality and nutritional value of silage. The lower the moisture content

in the plant raw materials when making silage, the more nutritious and better silage is

obtained, which must be taken into account when preparing it.

Quality of the green mass of grass at farms of the Vologda region

The article outlines the regulatory requirements for assessing the quality of green fodder and the actual nutritional value of green mass at farms of the Vologda region. More than 100 green mass samples were investigated for the period 2016 - 2018.

Development of safety management systems as a condition for implementing the technical regulations of the Customs Union requirements

The article proves the necessity of improving food quality and food safety. The authors present the main stages of implementing safety management systems based on HACCP principles as well as typical difficulties in planning, developing, implementing and servicing the system.

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