Design development of the vortex homogenizing head by hydrodynamic processes computer modeling in the SOLIDWORKS FLOW SIMULATION program
The paper presents a virtual simulation of hydrodynamic processes in a vortex homogenizing head from the SolidWorks Flow Simulation program. A comparative analysis of vortex flows paths, trends of velocities and pressures is carried out. As a result, the advantages and disadvantages of various design features in vortex homogenizing devices are revealed.
Design development of the vortex homogenizing head by hydrodynamic processes computer modeling in the SOLIDWORKS FLOW SIMULATION program
The paper presents a virtual simulation of hydrodynamic processes in a vortex homogenizing head from the SolidWorks Flow Simulation program. A comparative analysis of vortex flows paths, trends of velocities and pressures is carried out. As a result, the advantages and disadvantages of various design features in vortex homogenizing devices are revealed.
Studies of nanofiltration and electrodialysis effect on the mineral composition of curd whey
The article presents data of nanofiltration and electrodialysis effect on the mineral composition of curd whey.
Studies of nanofiltration and electrodialysis effect on the mineral composition of curd whey
The article presents data of nanofiltration and electrodialysis effect on the mineral composition of curd whey.
Improvement of curd whey nanoconcentration process
The article specifies the optimal parameters of curd whey nanofiltration and gives the scheme optimizing nanofiltration process control.
Intensive production technology of a lactulose-based feed additive with high bifidogenic activity
The article describes the prebiotic action mechanism, in particular lactulose. The article presents the production technology of lactulose syrups. The authors give the results of using the lactulose-based prebiotic additive with weaned piglets.