Study of the ointment efficiency on the basis of phytoncidal forest complex for udder diseases prevention and treatment of dairy cows

УДК 636.2.034

During milk production, cows have udder health problems with edema, subclinical and clinical mastitis. In most cases treatment of these pathologies is based on the injection of antibiotics as monotherapy. In some cases, this results in a «protracted» period of treatment, milk rejection and addiction of microorganisms to the drugs and recurrence of the disease. At the same time, there is an urgent need to use preparations made from environmentally friendly, natural phytoncidal natural components both in complex and in monoscircuits (depending on the type of pathology), since we are talking about the health of animals and the products obtained from it (milk, meat, etc.). A scientific and practical experiment on groups of cows with edema, subclinical and clinical mastitis with the use of a «test» ointment based on forest products and without its use, showed certain results. Thus, the duration of treatment of clinical mastitis in cows with the use of the ointment is 1.6 days less than without it; for subclinical mastitis and postpartum udder edema, the use of the ointment reduces the cost of treatment from 11 to 626.5 rubles per head per day.

Study of the ointment efficiency on the basis of phytoncidal forest complex for udder diseases prevention and treatment of dairy cows

УДК 636.2.034

During milk production, cows have udder health problems with edema, subclinical and clinical mastitis. In most cases treatment of these pathologies is based on the injection of antibiotics as monotherapy. In some cases, this results in a «protracted» period of treatment, milk rejection and addiction of microorganisms to the drugs and recurrence of the disease. At the same time, there is an urgent need to use preparations made from environmentally friendly, natural phytoncidal natural components both in complex and in monoscircuits (depending on the type of pathology), since we are talking about the health of animals and the products obtained from it (milk, meat, etc.). A scientific and practical experiment on groups of cows with edema, subclinical and clinical mastitis with the use of a «test» ointment based on forest products and without its use, showed certain results. Thus, the duration of treatment of clinical mastitis in cows with the use of the ointment is 1.6 days less than without it; for subclinical mastitis and postpartum udder edema, the use of the ointment reduces the cost of treatment from 11 to 626.5 rubles per head per day.

Изучение эффективности мази на основе фитонцидного комплекса леса при профилактике и лечении болезней вымени молочных коров

УДК 636.2.034

При производстве молока у коров возникают проблемы со здоровьем вымени, проявляющиеся отеками, субклиническими и клиническими маститами. Лечение данных патологий в большинстве случаев основано на введении антибиотиков как монотерапия. В результате это оборачивается в ряде случаев «затяжным» сроком лечения, браковкой молока и привыканием микроорганизмов к применяемым препаратам и рецидивами болезни. В то же время актуальна необходимость применения препаратов, приготовленных из экологически чистых натуральных фитонцидных природных компонентов как в комплексных, так и в моносхемах (в зависимости от вида патологии), так как речь идет о здоровье животных и получаемых от них продуктов (молоко, мясо и т.д.). При проведении научно-практического эксперимента на группах коров с отеками, субклиническими и клиническими маститами с применением испытуемой мази на основе компонентов продуктов леса и без ее применения были получены определенные результаты. Так, продолжительность лечения клинических маститов коров с применением мази меньше на 1,6 дня, чем без ее применения, при субклинических маститах и послеотельных отеках вымени применение мази сокращает затраты на лечение от 11 до 626,5 рублей на голову в сутки.

Analysis of health condition, milk production and reproduction of cows when using in rations food additives based on needles


In order to increase the productivity of dairy cows and maintain their health, the search for complex food additives with multifactorial positive properties is continuously carried out. A scientific and economic experiment of a new food additive based on needles developed by the technical and research centre “Khiminvest” has been conducted. The experiment has been conducted by the method of groups-analogues on highly productive cows. Food additive based on pine needles has had a positive impact on milk productivity, milk protein content, carotene and nonspecific immunity, as well as individual indicators of reproduction. The effectiveness of the additive has been 29.50 rubles per 1 cow a day.

Desk02 theme
