Methods of creating highly productive meat herds

УДК 636.2.082

The article describes the results of a comprehensive study of the impact of using super-repair heifers from dairy cattle husbandry in combination with interbreeding on the basis of the best gene pool of meat breeds, which made it possible to form a highly productive meat herd in a short time. In this regard, there was a problem of increasing the efficiency of using the available breed resources and choosing the method of breeding cattle in a meat herd. To do this, it is necessary to use a rich gene pool and economically useful traits through interbreeding. Crossbred animals are also distinguished by high meat productivity, and the positive result of crossbreeding is achieved in this case to a greater extent due to the combination effect.

Methods of creating highly productive meat herds

УДК 636.2.082

The article describes the results of a comprehensive study of the impact of using super-repair heifers from dairy cattle husbandry in combination with interbreeding on the basis of the best gene pool of meat breeds, which made it possible to form a highly productive meat herd in a short time. In this regard, there was a problem of increasing the efficiency of using the available breed resources and choosing the method of breeding cattle in a meat herd. To do this, it is necessary to use a rich gene pool and economically useful traits through interbreeding. Crossbred animals are also distinguished by high meat productivity, and the positive result of crossbreeding is achieved in this case to a greater extent due to the combination effect.

Nutrition and behavior study of reserve heifers kept on various diets


The article describes the study results of nutrition and behavior influence in reserve heifers kept on various diets. According to the results, it has been established that the diet type forms the certain direction of digestive processes in calves. The diet containing haylage enhances the gastric digestion of the calves and contributes to a high level of digestion. Solo-fodder reduces gastric levels and enhances intestinal digestion and somewhat reduces overall nutrient digestibility.

Nutrition and behavior study of reserve heifers kept on various diets


The article describes the study results of nutrition and behavior influence in reserve heifers kept on various diets. According to the results, it has been established that the diet type forms the certain direction of digestive processes in calves. The diet containing haylage enhances the gastric digestion of the calves and contributes to a high level of digestion. Solo-fodder reduces gastric levels and enhances intestinal digestion and somewhat reduces overall nutrient digestibility.

Grazing efficiency of cattle

УДК 638.08

Scientific and production experience has been carried out to study the value of the herbs of alpine meadows, where livestock are fed and achieve good results. It is advisable to use natural mountain and pre-mountain pastures for feeding livestock if they begin to be grassed after growing 15-17 cm According to the results of our research, concentrated feeds are also most efficiently used as feeding at the final stage of the burning, that is, during the preparation of livestock for sale for meat.


Grazing efficiency of cattle

УДК 638.08

Scientific and production experience has been carried out to study the value of the herbs of alpine meadows, where livestock are fed and achieve good results. It is advisable to use natural mountain and pre-mountain pastures for feeding livestock if they begin to be grassed after growing 15-17 cm According to the results of our research, concentrated feeds are also most efficiently used as feeding at the final stage of the burning, that is, during the preparation of livestock for sale for meat.


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