Молочная продуктивность

Dynamics of live weight and weight gains in different lines of black-motley replacement heifers of the Vologda type

In the conditions of the analyzed farms, studies were conducted on growing black-motley heifers of different lines. As the results of the conducted studies have shown, the live weight of heifers in all age periods of the studied lines at the analyzed enterprises is at the level of class I standard requirements or exceeds them by 6-11%. The average daily weight gains of heifers of the studied lines at the age from birth to 6 months were 690-820 g, at the age of 6-10 months – 570-810 g, at the age of 10- 12 months – 600-750 g, at the age of 12-18 months – 620-680 g.

Selection and genetic parameters in the selection of dairy cattle

Studies were conducted to study the variability and correlation of indicators of dairy productivity of cattle in the conditions of breeding enterprises of the Omsk region, as well as the optimal size of the breeding group was determined on the basis of the Pareto diagram. It was found that the coefficient of variation of milk yield in cows of the red steppe breed was 23.4 %, which is 4.3% more than in cows of the black-and-white breed. To form breeding groups in breeding farms in the region, they must have a milk yield of at least 7000 kg of milk.

Influence of degrees of inbreeding on the economic and useful qualities of dairy cattle

Studies were conducted to determine the relationship between the method of breeding, the reproductive qualities of heifers and their subsequent milk productivity in the conditions of enterprises of the Omsk region. It was found that the best characteristics of reproductive qualities are heifers with an inbreeding coefficient of up to 6.25% or with moderate inbreeding and inseminated from 13 to 18 months of age. With increasing homozygosity of organisms, the level of milk productivity decreases.

Еfficiency of ayrshirized red range grain-fed cattle taking into account genetic and paratypical factors to increase milk production at a breeding farm

The article analyses the efficiency of using the Ayrshire breed gene pool to improve the red range grain-fed cattle. The results have been presented and the corresponding conclusions on the further use of crossing red range grain-fed cattle with the Ayrshire breed semen for quality indicators of milk productivity under the conditions of a breeding farm have been drawn. The dependence of milk productivity and live weight of first-calf heifers at different age periods has been determined.

Technological aspects of increasing the productive longevity of dairy herds

The research has been carried out to establish the duration of productive use of breeding stock in the breeding farms of the Omsk region. As far as the productive use duration, the cows kept in free stall housing are found to have a significant advantage compared to the tied cows, the difference being 177 days or 17.2 %. A negative correlation has been established between the abundance of milk and the duration of productive use of cows in tied herds.


Rating of Ayrshire servicing bull estimation according to selection features

Estimation of servicing bulls according to the offspring quality is one of the main items in selection process, which allows determining the strategy of herd improving in breeding, productive and conformation features. The research has been carried out in the Ayrshire cattle herd in agricultural production cooperative Mayskiy Plemzavod, the Vologda District, the Vologda Region.

The effect of yeast products on the milk production of cows

The article presents the study results of the effect of the yeast supplements “Optisaf” and “Progut Rumen” on the productivity and quality milk indicators from highly productive cows. It has been established that at the doses recommended by the manufacturer, their use improves the eatability of feed of the basic diet, increases the milk productivity and leads to an increase in the mass fraction of fat.

Changes in Milk Productivity Using the Feed Concentrate “Urga” in the Diet of Highly Productive Cows

The results of research in milk productivity of lactating cows using the feed concentrate “Urga”, products of the EM series (LLC “EM-cooperation”) were analyzed. The received the feed concentrate “Urga” animals had higher monthly milk yield, the amount of milk produced in terms of base fat and protein, higher level of realization of productive capacity, which pointes out the feasibility in developing a feeding program and increasing the efficiency of milk production.

Comparative Evaluation of the Productive Characteristics in Holstein Heifers of Different Selections under the conditions of the Volga Region Forest Steppe

Modernization of cattle breeding industry in Russia is done by creation of a large dairy farms wide network and active breeding of highly productive cattle. During the formation of highly productive herds on dairy farms and complexes is necessary to consider the imported cattle adaptation to the specific conditions of different regions.

Effect of different milk production technology on milk yield of cows and somatic cell maintenance

The article provides the information on the results of the study of quantitative and qualitative indicators of milk and somatic cells based on the method of keeping and cows’ milking technology. The influence of the technology of the milk yield on the somatic cells maintenance is established.


Desk02 theme