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Research of composition and physical-chemical properties of curd whey concentrate obtained by nanofiltration

The article presents studies of nanofiltrate-curd whey concentrate

samples as well as its calculated nutritional and caloric value. It shows the expediency of

using nanofiltrate-curd whey concentrate in the production of functional dairy products.

Selecting ingredients of protein-carbohydrate gel formulation for athletes nutrition on the basis of curd whey concentrate obtained by nanofiltration

The need for using NF-concentrate in the production of sports products of carbohydrate-protein profile, popular in most sports, has been proved. The selection of ingredients of protein-carbohydrate gel formulation for athletes nutrition on the basis of NF-concentrate was performed.

Studies of nanofiltration and electrodialysis effect on the mineral composition of curd whey

The article presents data of nanofiltration and electrodialysis effect on the mineral composition of curd whey.

Theoretical and experimental base preparation for creating a sports beverage with rehydration and hondroprotective action

The paper shows theoretical and practical prerequisites for the formulation of a sports beverage recipe that has rehydration and chondroprotective properties. For this purpose, two types of dairy raw materials were chosen for the objects of research: curd whey and permeate, obtained with industrial skim milk ultrafiltration, as well as aqueous solutions of chondroitin sulfate. 



Improvement of curd whey nanoconcentration process

The article specifies the optimal parameters of curd whey nanofiltration and gives the scheme optimizing nanofiltration process control.

Indicators of ice cream quality with the NF-concentrate of curd whey

The influence of whey concentrate obtained by nano-filtration on organoleptic characteristics, thermal and dimensional stability of creamy ice-cream is studied. According to experimental data the curves of melting are built, their mathematical processing is carried out and the resulting equation to calculate the average speed of the ice cream with different concentration of whey protein concentrate melting is obtained. Generalized results of the taste analysis are presented graphically in the form of profile diagrams.

Demineralization and neutralization of cottage cheese whey in the process of nanofiltration

The article studies the process of nanofiltration as a way of cottage cheese wheydemineralizationand neutralization. Using the chemical analysis of the nanofiltration concentrate and filtrate compositions, theoretical dependence of mineral salt and lactic acid removal in the treatmentprocess has been found. Theresearch validates the optimal value of the volumetric concentration factor for cottage cheese whey demineralization and neutralization.

Investigation of Ice-Cream Air Phase with a Curd Whey NF Concentrate

The whey concentrate influence on ice-cream overrun and air bubbles size-consist has been studied. Differential curves for the density distribution of bubbles in diameter have been constructed and the quantitative variables of particle size have been determined. According to the obtained data on particle sizes the air bubbles surface area in the experimental ice-cream samples has been calculated.

Desk02 theme