Сельскохозяйственные и ветеринарные науки

Effect of herbicides on oil-bearing flax productivity

The article presents a comparative assessment of the effect of such selective herbicides as Herbitox, Furex, Miura and their tank mixtures on the yields of seeds and oil-bearing flax straw, as well as on the elements of its productivity, such as oil content, oil yield, protein content, protein yield, plant height and weight of 1000 seeds. The results of the research has revealed the dependence of yielding capacity of oil-bearing flax seeds on herbicides on the leached chernozem soil of the forest-steppe of the Middle Volga region.

Epizootic situation on parasites of small ruminants under the conditions of the Vologda region

The article describes the results of a study of the parasitofauna of small ruminants in the Vologda Region. Parasitizing of 13 species of helminths belonging to 2 classes Cestoda and Nematoda has been established in sheep. Infection of sheep with helminths of Strongylata makes 16.6 to 100%. The species composition of goat helminths in the private subsidiary farms of the Vologda Region is represented by 9 types of helminths belonging to the Nematoda class.

Assessment of the current state of the dairy cattle industry in the North-Western Federal District and the Vologda Region

Dynamic changes in the dairy cattle industry in the North-Western Federal District and the Vologda Region require their monitoring and studying to determine promising development trends.

Dynamics of live weight and weight gains in different lines of black-motley replacement heifers of the Vologda type

In the conditions of the analyzed farms, studies were conducted on growing black-motley heifers of different lines. As the results of the conducted studies have shown, the live weight of heifers in all age periods of the studied lines at the analyzed enterprises is at the level of class I standard requirements or exceeds them by 6-11%. The average daily weight gains of heifers of the studied lines at the age from birth to 6 months were 690-820 g, at the age of 6-10 months – 570-810 g, at the age of 10- 12 months – 600-750 g, at the age of 12-18 months – 620-680 g.

The influence of the phase of the growing season on the mineral composition of the narrow-leaved fireweed

In the experiments the mineral composition of narrow-leaved fireweed was studied in different phases of its growing season in the conditions of the NorthWestern region of Russia in the Vologda region. It was experimentally established that narrow-leaved fireweed is a promising forage plant in the North-Western zone of Russia. It can meet the needs of lactating cows in macro-and microelements, except sodium, zinc, copper and cobalt.

Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) fry growth and development effected from feeding with Enzimsporin supplement

The present research has shown the growth and development of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) fry effected from feeding Enzimsporin probiotic supplement. During the observation period, the weight of tilapia fry population has increased from 119.5g to 619g in the control group, from 121g to 684g in the 1st experimental group 1 and from 119g to 790g in the 2nd experimental group. Thus, the average daily weight gain per fish is 0.44g, 0.51g and 0.6g, respectively in 22 days.

Selection and genetic parameters in the selection of dairy cattle

Studies were conducted to study the variability and correlation of indicators of dairy productivity of cattle in the conditions of breeding enterprises of the Omsk region, as well as the optimal size of the breeding group was determined on the basis of the Pareto diagram. It was found that the coefficient of variation of milk yield in cows of the red steppe breed was 23.4 %, which is 4.3% more than in cows of the black-and-white breed. To form breeding groups in breeding farms in the region, they must have a milk yield of at least 7000 kg of milk.

Еffictiveness of insecticides in crops sinapis alba

On crops of white mustard on sod-slightly podzolic soil with a humus content of 2.6%, pests were registered: pests of beetles, bugs, and aphids. High efficiency of Sumi-alpha, EC was revealed with a consumption rate of 0.2 l/ha on the 20th day after treatment, the effectiveness against flea beetles, rape flower beetles, bugs and aphids was 92.6%, 93.4%, 97.5% and 98.5%, respectively.

Assessment of phagocytic activity of tilapia blood cells under hormone-induced stress

The paper presents an assessment of the phagocytic ability of blood cells of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus L. under the hormonal induction of stress with range of duration. It has been revealed that Staphylococcus aureus is phagocytosed by leukocytes, platelets, and erythrocytes of tilapia blood in direct smears. The phagocytic capacity of the cells has been quantified.

Increasing the bioadaptive potential of a dairy herd of cows in the production of milk

The conducted production studies on seeking on-farm reserves of dairy production in the conditions of the large-scale specialized agricultural farm of the joint stock company ‘Valishche’ of the Pinsk district allowed us to find ways to improve the existing technology.


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