Сельскохозяйственные и ветеринарные науки

Biochemical parameters in cows vaccinated with a multi-valent vaccine against infectious rhinotracheitis, viral diarrhea, parainfluenza-3, respiratory syncytial, rota- and coronavirus infection in cattle

Biochemical parameters of blood serum of cows vaccinated with multivalent vaccine against infectious rhinotracheitis, viral diarrhea, parainfluenza-3, respiratory syncytial, rota-and coronavirus infection have been studied. It has been shown that the vaccine does not affect protein metabolism, mineral metabolism, and does not have hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effects on the animal body.

Treatment-and-prophylactic actions at mastitis of cattle

Dairy cattle breeding plays an important role to provide the country’s population with food. The necessary condition for intensive breeding is the preservation of the health of the cattle mother stock. Mastitis is the most common disease that leads to reduced dairy productivity and non-compliance of milk with veterinary and sanitary standards. As a result of the studies, a promising scheme of mastitis treatment, showing 100% therapeutic effectiveness, was compiled and tested.

Insecticide effect on sinapis alba pests

The most common pests have been identified on the seed crops of wild mustard on the sod-weakly podzolic soil of the Vologda region. They are wavy cabbage flea, black cabbage flea, rapeseed pollen beetle, cabbage bugs, herbal bugs, mustard bugs and cabbage aphids. A high efficiency of insecticides against pests has been established. Among them are Sumi-alpha, CE with a flow rate of 0.2 l /ha-93.5-99.3 %; Karate Zeon, ISS with a flow rate of 0.1 l/ha – 90.5-93.5% and Fastak, CE with a flow rate of 0.1 l / ha – 84.5-90.5 %.

Influence of energy supplement «Avatar» on reproductive quality and milk productivity of cows

A scientific-economic experiment was conducted on highly productive black and white cows by the method of analog groups on the basis of one of the best farms of the Vologda region to identify the effectiveness of energy supplement “Avatar” produced by “AgroBalt Trade”. The experiment was conducted on cows in a transit period. Different dose combinations were tested. The effectiveness of the energy supplement “Avatar” on milk production at a dose of 500 g before calving and 700 g after calving was revealed. The economic efficiency of the supplement was 80.92 rubles per cow per day.

Festulolium and domestic ryegrass use for pasture agrophytocenosis creation

The article presents the research experiment undertaken in 2017 in the experimental field of the North-Western Research Institute of Dairy and Grassland Farming, i.e. a separate division of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Vologda Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The study has shown that the use of new species and varieties of grasses (Festulolium and domestic ryegrass) have positive results in creating pasture agrophytocenosis.

Productivity of winter rye grain, yield of nutritive elements by the culture when using fertilizers in the Vologda region

The calculated fertilizer systems have significantly increased the yield of the Volkhov winter rye in grain by 52-67% and in straw - by 50-59% on the soddy podzolic medium loamy soil of the Vologda region on average for three years of research. Applying fertilizers at the rate of 1cwt/ ha in physical weight when sowing during two years out of three ones has provided a significant increase in the yield of winter rye grain. When using the calculated doses of fertilizers, phosphorus and potassium yields by a unit of production has been slightly below the planned values.

Аgronomical assessment of efficiency of introducing various fertilizer doses for the crop rotation cultures

On the sod-podzolic medium-loamy soil of the Vologda region, the calculated fertilizer systems have increased productivity by 30-94% on average for 3 years of the research compared to the no-fertilizer option, by 33 - 49% compared to the sowing fertilizer (for cereals and annual crops and applying fertilizer when planting for potatoes). The use of fertilizers provided a high cost of 1kg of active material by productivity gains of all studied crops, and for the research years there has been the highest cost - 23 kg of fodder units. The calculated doses of fertilizers have differed in cost.

The influence of cortisol on some immunological parameters of carps

This paper presents an assessment of changes in some indicators of the immune system in the control and experimental group of carp under the influence of endogenous cortisol. It was found that when the level of cortisol increases the activity of cellular immunity in fish created by leukocytes increases as well. Other indicators of the immunological status decrease with the increase of this hormone.



Productivity of spring rape varieties and its hybrids in the Upper Volga region

Представлены результаты научных исследований по особенностям формирования урожайности 16 отечественных и зарубежных сортов и гибридов ярового рапса, выполненные в производственном опыте на хорошо окультуренной дерново-среднеподзолистой среднесуглинистой почве в Ржевском районе Тверской области в ОАО «Агрофирма «Дмитрова гора». Площадь учетной делянки – 1 га, повторность – 2-х-кратная, площадь под опытом ‒ 35 га.

The analysis of the reproductive qualities in dairy cows depending on the Dairy Comp 305 system of electronic registration

the use of information technologies  is an important factor for improving productivity in animal husbandry and the industry on the whole. Electronic programs such as Dairy Comp 305 can help to achieve greater results. The program is installed for the first time in the Vologda region at «PZ Pokrovskoye OOO» (Limited Liability Company). There is no information about the effectiveness of its use. The article presents the characteristics of the company and the main reproduction indicators in 2013-2018.


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