Технические науки

Crystallizer-evaporator for whey processing

The article presents the design of the experimental device that makes it possible to obtain cost-effective whey processing, combining whey concentration with crystallization. The article gives the analysis of heat and mass transfer processes subject to the work cycle duration.

Experimental studies of the milk whey nano-filtrate curdling process with the accompanying lactose crystallization

The article gives the results of the experimental researches of the milk whey nano-filtrate curdling process combined with the lactose crystallization made on the experimental unit of crystallizer-evaporator. The direction of temperature regimes optimization of the crystallization process is revealed.

Studying of rheological characteristics of fermented curds enriched by the hydrolysis of whey proteins

Structural-and-mechanical and rheological curds characteristics obtained during fermentation of buttermilk and skimmed milk are studied to develop fermented milk product. Studies were performed by the rotational viscosity measurement method with the help of Rheo-test unit. Dependences of efficient curds viscosity on the shift speed are built as well as dependence of structure reconstruction, efficient viscosity and coefficient of mechanical curds stability on applied hydrolysate dose is determined.

Rational technological scheme of on-farm feed production for calves with plant matter

The rational technological scheme of feed production containing plant matter for calves has been explained. The scheme includes mutual extrusion of grain and plant matter, the extrudate next mixing with other feed components, or plant matter making for using during winter period by the combination of low-temperature drying and next entering in feed composition. The scheme makes it easy to enable corresponding procedures in the technological process of on-farm enterprises.

Development of concentrated sweet milk products based on curd whey

В лабораторных условиях способом рекомбинирования были вы- работаны образцы концентрированного молочного продукта с частичной заменой сухого обезжиренного молока и воды на жидкую творожную молочную сыворотку. В результате установлено, что разработанный продукт по физико-химическим и по органолептическим показателям качества в целом соответствуют требованиям нормативной документации на традиционное сгущенное молоко с сахаром.

The definition of the knife force in cutting with a rolling blade in the chopper with a horizontal rotating disc

The article presents the studies of tuber and horizontal knife interaction in the designed chopper of tuberous roots. According to analytical reasoning, theo- retical dependencies are obtained, on which by using constructive and technologi-cal parameters of the investigated chipper roots, you can determine the cutting force, as well as to build an optimal profile of the cutting edge of the horizontal knife. On the basis of the derived dependence graphs and their analysis are made.

Investigation results of CO2 concentration in a standard barn for 200 cow heads

These investigations were conducted in a standard barn for 200 stanchion cows in the summer period with a special electronic device, the analysis of the obtained data was made with the use of graphical information modelling, the results demonstrated, that CO2 concentration was from 700 till 1200 ppm average and did not exceed 50% of the maximum permissible concentration. The lowest CO2 concentration was registered on the windward and leeward side of the barn; and the highest one was registered about in 1.4-1.9 times higher in the central part of the barn.

Технологические аспекты производства обогащенных кисломолочных продуктов с использованием молочной сыворотки

The article presents the technology of producing enriched fermented dairy products with whey. The authors describe the composition of the multicomponent starter culture for fermented dairy products, which provides probiotic properties of the products. The component composition and parameters of fermenting milk and whey basis for fermented dairy products are determined. The reasonability of using the syrup of the white mulberry fruit in formulations and its mass fraction applying is determined.

Effect of barn layout solutions on manure-containing waste water amount

The paper presents calculation results of manure-containing waste water amount from the milking parlour for six variants of dairy herd housing on the example of the dairy farm for 1200 milking cows with loose and cubicle housing. Depending upon the size of technological groups and barn layout solutions the amount of produced waste water may vary up to 12.5%.

The justification of the use of microwave radiation to dry flax in the tape

Еhe article substantiates the necessity to dry the stalks of flax trusts prior to mechanical processing by means of installations with less energy- and metal consumption. A new method to dry flax in the tape using microwave energy is offered. The main parameters that control the process of microwave flax drying are determined. Preliminary results of experimental researches of the new method to dry flax in the tape using microwave energy are presented.


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