Investigation of the fermentation process of a creamy chicory bio-product base
The article describes the study of the fermentation process of a creamy chicory bio-product base. The authors studied the effect of fermentation time by various biological objects and the amount of chicory on titratable acidity, the change in the cellular concentration of lactic acid microorganisms and bifidobacteria in the fermentation process, as well as on organoleptic characteristics. Based on the results analysis of experimental studies in the fermentation process, it was found that the most optimal mass fraction of chicory is 4% in the bio-product. In addition, the association of microorganisms in the bio-object 2 was selected, which provides a higher cell concentration of lactic acid microorganisms and bifidobacteria of the bio-product.
Designing a creamy-chicory base of a bio-product for personalized nutrition within the FoodNet market
The article describes the study about the effect of chicory on the chemical composition, titratable and active acidity, as well as on the organoleptic characteristics of a creamy chicory base (hereinafter referred to as CCB) in order to construct a basis for a bio-product for personalized nutrition. In addition, the amino acid rate of the investigated variants of CCB was determined. It was established that CCB 2, in which the mass fraction of chicory was 4.0%, has the best indexes.
Design development of the vortex homogenizing head by hydrodynamic processes computer modeling in the SOLIDWORKS FLOW SIMULATION program
The paper presents a virtual simulation of hydrodynamic processes in a vortex homogenizing head from the SolidWorks Flow Simulation program. A comparative analysis of vortex flows paths, trends of velocities and pressures is carried out. As a result, the advantages and disadvantages of various design features in vortex homogenizing devices are revealed.
Taste profile formation of blue cheeses
The aim of the work is to establish interdependence between the proteolytic and lipolytic activities of Penicillium roqueforti mold cultures and formation of organoleptic parameters of blue cheeses from cow’s milk during ripening and storage. It is shown that the organoleptic parameters of blue cheeses depend on the used Pen. roqueforti strain. The obtained data can be used for creating an assortment line of blue cheeses with an individual taste profile.
The development of yogurt with plant antioxidants
The article is devoted to the development of a method for yogurt production based on cinder conk extract as a plant antioxidant. Cinder conk (chaga mushroom) is used to treat a wide range of diseases in folk medicine. In the paper we have used the optimal method for obtaining cinder conk solution using maceration with microwave. The physical and chemical parameters of the obtained solution are determined and given. It is determined at what stage of the technological process it is advisable to add the obtained extract to yogurt, namely at the stage of formulation. As a result it does not affect the increase in the mass fraction of moisture in the finished product. The optimal ratio of chaga mushroom and water chosen is 1:10, upon receipt of the extract in order to add to the composition of yogurt. The storage capacity of the product with cinder conk extract is studied.
Biological and productive features of black-motley cows with various milking techniques
The research was carried out at an enterprise in the Sverdlovsk region. Two groups of black-motley cows were formed: the first including cows of free stall housing with a robotic milking system; the second having tied cows that were milked into the milk pipeline. It was found that udder measurements of animals of the first group had greater values than those of the second group. Due to high milk yield of animals for the first lactation in the first group, their milk fat and milk protein content were higher (p < 0.001) than that of cows of the second group, by 36.9 (16.7%) and 37.9 kg (20.5%) respectively. All evaluated hematological, clinical and physiological parameters of animals were within the normal range. In addition, 29.2% of cows in the first group are classified as animals with unstable type of stress resistance, and 8.3% of cows in the second group are classified as animals with low stress resistance. The use of a voluntary milking system for black-and-white cows using a milking robot provides an increase in the intensity of milk flow by 0.2 kg/min with an advantage in the main morphological characteristics of the mammary gland, allows to get higher milk yields on average for 305 days of lactation - by 19.2% (p < 0.001) more and for the period of production use of cows – by 14.3% (p < 0.01). It is necessary to use the level of stress resistance of animals as one of the assessment indicators while selecting cows for milking with high-tech milking machines (milking robots).
The effect of fish skin mucus on hemostasis indicators of some animal species in vitro in comparison with collagen
Modern pharmacology is actively searching for new sources of natural peptides and developing new methods of their synthesis for further introduction of protein preparations into production, so it is necessary to identify the natural sources of biologically active peptides, such as fish skin mucus. In order to assess the effect of fish skin mucus on animal hemostasis indicators in vitro in comparison with collagen, the hemostatic activity of skin mucus of carp (Cyprinus carpio carpio Linnaeus, 1758) and African clarias catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822) on the blood of cows and dogs was studied. It was found that the most active in the hemostatic relation was the mucus of the African Clary catfish. Hematological and statistical methods of research were used in this work.
Grazing efficiency of cattle
Scientific and production experience has been carried out to study the value of the herbs of alpine meadows, where livestock are fed and achieve good results. It is advisable to use natural mountain and pre-mountain pastures for feeding livestock if they begin to be grassed after growing 15-17 cm According to the results of our research, concentrated feeds are also most efficiently used as feeding at the final stage of the burning, that is, during the preparation of livestock for sale for meat.
Lifetime use of cows from different breeding bulls
The article presents the influence of the birthplace in Ayrshire producers from Vologda region on the lifetime productivity and terms of using their daughters in the breeding plants (Krasnaya Zvezda and Maysky integrated agricultural production companies). The selection influence on using of daughters is found out, namely high lifetime productivity indicators are typical for cows from imported producers, longevity and high fat content for the descendants of domestic bulls.
Microscopic fungi and their metabolites as a threat to animal and human health
In mycological studies of grain samples from agricultural enterprises of the Ryazan region microscopic fungi of the genera Aspergillus and Fusarium were identified. To confirm grain viability, grain contamination with mycotoxins and fungi, and to differentiate the sown grain from the feed grain luminescent diagnostics was used. The method of immuno-enzyme analysis revealed the following mycotoxins: zearalenone, T-2 toxin, deoxynivalenol. The excess of the maximum permissible concentration of deoxynivalenol was found. When monitoring the diseases of farm animals, it was established that the leading place was occupied by the diseases of gastrointestinal tract and reproductive organs, and fungi metabolites are likely to be among the causes of such phenomena.
Economically useful characteristics of Holsteinized black-and-white cows and correlations between them
The analysis of interdependence between productivity and the A system parameters of a linear exterior evaluation among the daughters of bull-producers of different origin suggests a practical need in exterior evaluation and its interdependence with productivity in a separate herd under specific natural and economic conditions. The revealed high correlation coefficients between the main economically useful characteristics in the offsprings of foreign breeding producers indicate that the selection of any characteristic will have a positive impact on other ones. This fact, in turn, results in effective selection of cows and can be a favorable factor in increasing the cow’s milk productivity.
Kappa-casein and diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase gene polymorphism in black-and-white cattle
Polymorphism has been studied and occurrence frequency of genotypes and alleles by genes of kappa-casein and diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase in first-calf heifers and highly productive black-and-white cows of different genealogical lines has been determined. The highest frequency of CSN3 AB genotype (34.7% and 38.9%) and CSN3 BB genotype (10.2 and 5.6%) has been registered in the first-calf heifers of M. Chiftein and R. Sowering line at the B allele frequency of CSN3 gene – 0.28 and 0.25. Highly productive cows also have high frequency of desirable genotypes in similar two lines, respectively, CSN3 AB – 47.3 and 36.2%, CSN3 BB – 5.4% and 7.2%, with B allele frequency - 0.25-0.29. DGAT1 gene has the best frequency of DGAT1 AA genotype in primary B.B. Aidial (65.9%) and M. Chiftein (65.3%) lines, with good occurrence of the desired K gene allele of DGAT1 0.35 and 0.39, respectively. High frequency of DGAT1 AK genotype (60.7%), DGAT1 KK (9.8%) and the highest frequency of K allele – 0.40 have been established for highly productive cows of V.B. Aidial line. In the black-and-white cattle there has been revealed the advantage of A allele over B allele in the kappa-casein gene, and the advantage of A allele over K allele in the diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase gene in all analyzed genealogical lines.
Dynamics of dairy cattle breeding development in the European North of the Russian Federation
The article presents the research results on the quantitative and
qualitative characteristics of dairy cattle populations and breeding farms in the European
North of the Russian Federation. Nowadays, taking into account the current political and
economic situation of the livestock sector management, the problem of preserving the
number of dairy cattle breeds and increasing cow’s milk productivity is quite pressing.
In the European North of the Russian Federation, there has been found the
tendency of reducing the number of cows by 9.92 thousands of animals for the period
from 2010 to 2018, which amounts to 70.29 thousands of animals. There is an increase
in cow productivity in every region of the European North of the Russian Federation.
The maximum increase of 2074 kg of milk is registered in the Vologda region, which
amounts 7418kg of milk in 2018. These research results are taken as a mandatory
element for the characteristics of dairy cattle populations, which allows us to determine
the dynamics of development of animal quantitative and qualitative characteristics for
working out planned measures.