Биологические и сельскохозяйственные науки

Two major QTLs in the 4-th chromosome of laying hens with the effects on egg traits

Obtained data have revealed the presence of two major QTLs in the 4-th chromosome of Rhode island hens. Studies have been conducted on 241 laying of red Rhode island breed hens and on 149 Kuban cross laying hens based on the white Rhode island breed. The SNP2-1 which has marked the first QTL is associated with egg weight and eggshell thickness. Rs14491030 has marked the second QTL a significant effect of single nucleotide polymorphism on the egg weight trait. Identified QTLs can be used to create a system of molecular genetic markers.

Blood fibrinogen dynamics in fish under stress

The paper presents the research results of blood fibrinogen in carps under stress. It is established that the coagulation processes have accelerated under hypoxic stress by the 4th day of the experiment.

The dynamics of number, indices of productivity and economic use in the breed populations of dairy cattle

The article presents the results of monitoring the number of livestock, the indices of dairy cows productivity and the period of their economic use in the populations of Ayrshire, Holstein, Kholmogory, Black and White, Yaroslavl breeds in all categories of farms of the Vologda region. Based on the data from yearbooks on breeding on dairy cattle breeding farms of the Russian Federation the dynamics in the number of evaluated cattle and cows according to their breed populations for 2012-2016 has been defined.

Selection of parent pig pairs by resistency indexes

In 2015, 18 sows of a large white breed, 72 piglets obtained from these sows and 18 boars from another farm, whose sperm was taken for fertilization of sows, were examined in the Kislov individual entrepreneur farm by resistance indicators. On the basis of blood indices, a new selection index of resistance was developed, which includes bactericidal, complementary and lysozyme activity of blood serum, phagocytic activity and index, taking into account the coefficients of heritability of each feature. Parent pairs were selected for resistance indices, which had a positive effect.

Methods of estimation and selection of pigs by resistance indices

The article deals with the study carried out on the sows of a large white breed and their offsprings. It has been established that the sow resistance is positively associated with their reproductive qualities. A new breeding resistance index is developed. Selecting of one-month old replacement gilts of a large white breed by the new methods of resistance has had a positive result.

Influence of the polymorphism complex of κ-casein (CSN3) and prolactin (PRL) genes on the milk productivity of the holstein first calf heifers

The presented study is dedicated to the influence of the polymorphism complex of κ-casein (CSN3) and prolactin (PRL) genes, which are responsible for milk quality and milk productivity. The study was carried out among Holstein first calf heifers by Integrated Agricultural Production Centre “Breeding farm named after Lenin” of Atninsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. DNA samples were separated from blood samples of 261 cows for identification and genotyping according to kappa-casein and prolactin genes by PCR-RFLP analysis method.

The growth and development of black-motley breed heifers having different feeding activity in the suckling period of growing

The article presents the results of the research on patterns of growth and development of breeding black-motley breed heifers having different indices of feeding activity in the early stages of suckling growing period. Young animals with high food activity in the initial stage of growing, eventually has intensive metabolism, greater live weight, and earlier maturity. Passive in relation to food animals have a tendency to levelling existing differences. At the same time these animals don’t achieve full compensation in the development by the time of the first insemination.

Age-related changes in bioenergy potential of acupuncture points in the scapula and shoulder area of calves

Studying the young cattle bioenergy potential in the scapula and shoulder area in connection with the age of animals has revealed the regularity of the undulating biopotential growth in animals aged 1 to 12 months. From the data obtained during the research it can be concluded that during this period of life the organism of young cattle undergoes a number of significant changes in both morphological, physical and bioenergy development.

Influence of harvesting time of cereal crops on the productivity and the quality of the forage in the conditions of the European North of Russia

The article presents the results of studies on the impact of grain harvesting on the productivity, species composition, nutritional value of grain fodder for 2001-2005. The highest productivity is provided by grains during harvesting in the early phase of wax ripeness of grain. The obtained grain is successfully stored when creating hermetic conditions and using biological and chemical preservatives. Losses during the storage of wet plum grain when using the preservative Biotrof 600 and spruce needles are reduced by 1.5-2.0 times.

Influence of starter feeds on general clinical, immunological and biochemical characteristics in calves’ blood

The article presents the results of the starter feed influence on the blood parameters in repair heifers of black-and-white breed. It is established that feeding starter feeds in the amount of 1.5-1.7 kg per head per day contributes to the positive dynamics of some immunological and biochemical hcaracteristics, improves the immunological status of the body.


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