Биологические и сельскохозяйственные науки

Comparative effectiveness anthelmintic drugs for nematodes in horses

The study on the therapeutic efficiency of drugs on anthelmintic such as al’vet, febtal granules, univerm, panacur pasta, equisect paste for nematodes in horses on the basis of the agricultural production cooperative “Breeding Stud Farm” “Vologodskij” and the Microbiology and epizootology chair of the Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy was presented.

Comparative Evaluation of the Productive Characteristics in Holstein Heifers of Different Selections under the conditions of the Volga Region Forest Steppe

Modernization of cattle breeding industry in Russia is done by creation of a large dairy farms wide network and active breeding of highly productive cattle. During the formation of highly productive herds on dairy farms and complexes is necessary to consider the imported cattle adaptation to the specific conditions of different regions.

An efficient mineral and energy supplement in the rations of highly productive cows

The article discusses the results of scientific and economic experiment carried out on black-motley breed cows on the use of mineral and energy supplement, ‘Reactor’, which includes energy components, calcium propionate, betaine and natural sorbent. The complex action of the investigated product had a positive impact on animal productivity. It was established experimentally that using during the transitional period of 250-350 gr. of ‘Reactor’ per head daily allows to increase daily milk yield of cows in the first hundred days of lactation by 9.8 and 14.5% (to 30.3 and 31.6 kg vs.

The effect of fertilizers on the vital functions of spruce in a blueberry spruce forest

The effect of fertilizers on physiological processes intensity and spruce growth in a 120 year-old blueberry spruce forest of the IVth quality grade has been studied. The study describes the change in the root respiration intensity, photosynthesis, transpiration, concentration of photosynthetic pigments, moisture content of spruce needles and their biometric parameters under the influence of mineral fertilizers (urea, double superphosphate and potassium chloride).

Silvicultural and ecological evaluation of advanced thinning in the Velsk district, Arkhangelsk region

Forest management is carried out in order to increase the productivity and preservation of useful functions of forests by means of felling of trees and bushes, as well as to carry out amelioration and other activities. Continuous logging has great importance in the system of measures on care of the forest. The purpose of these cuttings is to grow highly productive stands of the raw material purpose, to increase the overall forest management. The opportunities for more comprehensive and timely resource utilization are expanding with their help.

The optimum shelf life of chilled turkey meat using different packaging methods

The study is carried out in LLC «Evrodon», October (c) district of Rostov region. It has been found that males at the age of 140 days are larger 1.80 times more than females, 147 days - 1.62, and 154 days - 1.58. Breast weight of males is 5.42 kg, that is 2.19 kg more than in females. Chemical meat composition has been showed that the dry matter in the meat of 147- day- old males is by 0.86% higher compared with 140 -day-old ones; the dry matter in the meat of 154- day-old males is by 0.33% higher compared to 147- day-old ones. The index in females is 0.5% and 0.6% respectively.

Influence of thinning out and nitrogen fertilizers on photosynthesis and growth of spruce in birch forests of myrtillus type

The effect of different nitrogen doses and cutting on the rate of physiological and growth processes has been studied in birch forests of blueberry type in taiga zone. It has been established that nitrogen has got little effect on the vitality and growth of spruce in mature birch forests because of the light lack. In thinned stands the nitrogen increases the rate of photosynthesis twofold, activates processes associated with the accumulation and subsequent outflow of carbon metabolites from the needles. The result of this nitrogen action is the intensification of growth processes.

Specific measures to prevent helminthiasis in cattle in the Russian North-West non-black soil zone

The general measures of specific prevention of pasturable helmints in cattle based on the rich experience of personal experiments taking into account the species composition, ecology, epizootiology, biology of helmints are presented.

Studying the age dynamics of cryptosporidiosis in piglets on the farms of the Vologda Region

In this paper the results of studying the age dynamics of cryptosporidia oocysts invasion in piglets have been presented, the dependence of this invasion on the age of animals has been established.

Formation of steadily productive annual mixed sowings based on optimization of mineral nutrition

Complex researches have been conducted in the Tver region on sod medium podzolic sandy loam well-cultivated soil. We have studied implementation of crop yield programmable levels by means of vetch-barley-oats mixtures different in composition. The advantage of their cultivation on grain-and-hay has been revealed, when the program both at the background of 2.5 thous. feed unit /ha and 5.0 thous. feed unit /ha on all variants of mixed crops was exceeded. Program has been carried out only at the programming level on 2.5 thous. feed unit / ha when growing mixtures for grain.


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