Биологические и сельскохозяйственные науки

Non-specific resistance condition in cows and their offsprings

The article gives the research results on non-specific resistance conditions of cows bodies and newly-born calves in the Vologda region farms.

Study and possibilyty of using internetional experience of tapping in arkhangelsk region

Tapping- it is rather an ancient form of forest management which represents getting turpentine (resin) from growing trees. The greatest practical importance has tapping of softwood that is mainly represented by pine stands. Resin of pine is used in dozens of production types and leading countries of the world, which include Russia, are the center of its harvesting and processing. The North of the country (Arkhangelsk Region) is its birthplace and the leading base of tapping production in Russia.

Yields of legume - cereal grass in pasture use depending on the species composition UNDER the Vologda region conditions

The article presents the results of the four years research (2012-2015) on yield capacity, nutritional value and botanical composition of grassland phytocenoses. The most productive is recognized as a four legume-cereal grass mixture on the basis of Carmine red clover and eastern goat’s-rue Krivich in combination with the fescue and timothy grass. Mixture is characterized by a high proportion of legumes (40.9%), enhanced yielding from 1 ha fodder units (2851), digestible protein (400.6 kg / ha) and high nitrogen-fixing ability (69.7 kg / ha).

“Smartamine” feed additive use in dairy cows ration

The article gives the results of methane-containing feed additive use on productive and reproductive characteristics of dairy cows, as well as physical and chemical, and technical properties of milk. Feeding 15 gr of Smartamine feed additive per a head made an increase in milk yield capacity by 13% in keeping the quality of obtained products, as well as optimization of reproductive abilities of cows and their health state.

The system approach to forecast the region’s agriculture: mechanisms and tools

The paper presents the theoretical and methodological aspects of agriculture forecasting as an economic system. The systematized forecasting techniques can solve problems to diagnose the state and development of economic systems considering the mass practical use of it in the agricultural sector. The author offers a system of indexes which shifts the focus from the final results on the terms and prerequisites to ensure their achievement in the analysis.

Spruce undergrowth biomass structure in birch forests of various ages

In birch forests of bilberry type in vegetation conditions the influence of age statement of leaf-canopy on biometrical parameters of spruce undergrowth under the Syamzhenskiy district of the Vologda region is studied. It is established that with the birch age increase the conditions for growth and development of conifer undergrowth deteriorate, as a result it changes the biomass structure, morphometrical parameters and age of under canopy needles.

Ecological-Epizootic Monitoring of Helminth Infections in Cattle at Milk-Producing Farms of the Vologda Region

The data of monitoring studies of ecological-epizootic situation on the helminthoses of cattle at dairy farms of Vologda region have been given. The distribution of helminthoses depending on the natural - economic areas, seasonal and age dynamics of helminth infections, time period of helminth infection, associated invasions, the dependence of infected animals on the breed factor and on the animals keeping technology have been studied.

Improving Water Management: problems and prospects

The dynamics of water use indices in the Russian Federation and in the Vologda Region has been evaluated in the article. The dimensionless water use efficiency indices have been suggested. Small applicability of the best available technologies, high energy intensity of waste and natural water clarification, inappropriate disposal of wastewater sludge, high water tariffs in the countryside can be considered as the main problems of water use in the Vologda region. Using wastewater sludge as fertilizer is the most rational method of its disposal.

Influence of feed quality on milk productivity indicators

The article presents the results of studies on affecting of feed quality on the quality and quantity milk indicators in view of a livestock management method and milking technology. The analysis has revealed the relationship between the balanced diet of dairy cows and the level of milk yield. With the improvement of bulky feed quality the quality of milk has improved too. During the period under review we have noticed an increase in milk production and mass fraction of milk fat content using all management methods and technologies of milking.

Re-selection effectiveness of Kostroma purebred cattle

The research has been organized at “Experimental farm “Karavaevo” in 2015. Cows after re-selection exceed other selection types cattle in milk productivity 133kg(Р<0,001) during the 3-rd and more lactation period and 213 kg (Р<0,001) in the highest lactation time. From 70 re-selection cows 33(47%) have milk productivity more than 8000 kg during 305 lactation days. It has been noticed high breed value of bulls: Krik 9194, Ryadoc 3023, Bushuy 2726 Master›s relative 106902, Spike 5169 Leyrd›s relative group 71151 and Lednik bull 3518 Ladka›s line КТКS-253.


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