Биологические и сельскохозяйственные науки

Ecological-Faunistic review of Gastropoda (Cuvier, 1795) representatives under the Vologda region conditions

Data on species composition of fresh-water mollusks, representatives of Gastropoda (Cuvier, 1795) under the conditions of the Vologda region are provided. 27 types relating to 10 childbirth: Aplexa (Fleming, 1820), Physa (Draparnaud, 1801), Lymnaea (Lamarck, 1799), Anisus (Studer, 1820), Armiger (Hartmann, 1840), Planorbis (Geoffroy, 1767), Segmentina (Fleming, 1818), Bithynia (Leach, 1818), Valvata (O.F.Müller, 1774), Viviparus (Montfort, 1810) are determined. Dominating look is Lymnaea truncatula, Müller, 1774. The main groups of biotopes are defined.

Ethological individuality as a sign of ayrshire cattle breeding

Studies having been carried out on animals of Ayrshire breed show that indexes of food, motion and total activity selection can be successfully used as selection signs. Selection of cows on ethological individuality is accompanied by an increase of their milk production. Animals with increased food activity, compared to cows with a low one, have got the rise of milk yield per lactation by 686 kg. Ultra-active cows should be mentioned particularly, productivity of them opposite to infrapassive ones increases by 49%.

Chlorella suspension use in feeding yield heifers of blackand white breed in milk period growth

The article gives the results of studying on chlorella suspension influence on the yield heifers of black-and white breed. It has been established that feeding crop additions to animals in milk period growth of 0,5kg per head during twenty-four hours brings an increase in average daily gain, feeding activity of heifers along with health conditions optimization.

Reproductive ability of extrazonal spiecies

The silvicultural taxation characteristic of English oak has been carried out under the conditions of the Vologda region. The assessment of the reproductive capacity of the species by examining the biometric indicators of acorns and by germination tests has been made. The assessment of natural regeneration has been carried out.

Impact of fluorine industrial contamination on system “soil - fodder - milk”

The article is devoted to the actual problem of the usage of agricultural lands located within the Russian industrial territories contaminated by aluminum industry. Due to the monitoring research findings in the system “soil - fodder - milk” (area of contamination - the Krasnoyarsk aluminum smelter OJSC “RusalKrasnoyarsk”) the content of water-soluble fluorine in the plough layer of soils, awnless brome herbage and hay and in wild grasses. The foundations for restrictions concerning the agricultural usage within the contaminated area were determined was estimated.

Dynamics of pigment fund formation and spruce growth in birch blueberry forest in tree stand ontogeny

The study of growth peculiarities and accumulation dynamics of photosynthetic pigments in spruce undergrowth in birch blueberry forests of different age is made. Methodology is described as well as brief characteristics of experimental objects are given.

Influence of the season on the maintenance of somatic cells in the milk of black-and-white cows under various milking technologies

The article presents the results of the season dependence on the somatic cells quantity in black-and-white cow’s milk according to the milking technology.

Vivo diagnosis of dogs Toxocariasis, comparative characteristics of methods’ effectiveness

The results of the comparative diagnostic efficiency of traditional helminthological and serological methods for the diagnostics of toxocariasis dogs T.canis are shown. Epizootological and seroepizootological data on toxocariasis spread in the population of dogs of the city of Vologda are obtained.

The indices of platelet functional ADP-reactivity in different animal species

The article presents the results of studying the platelets adhesive activity and its comparative characteristic in different animal species.

The effect of agrometeorological conditions on the productivity of promising spring triticale varieties

In State Dairy Farming Academy of Vologda Abstract. The article deals with the effect of climatic conditions on growth, developlment and yield of spring triticale varieties in the conditions of the Vologda region. The research was carried out on the following varieties: Scallop, Norman, Ukro, and Amigo. In the research the dates corresponding to the beginning of phenological phases of triticale growth and development have been revealed, yield structure elements and grain quality indices have been defined.


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