Биологические и сельскохозяйственные науки

Studying the age dynamics of cryptosporidiosis in piglets on the farms of the Vologda Region

In this paper the results of studying the age dynamics of cryptosporidia oocysts invasion in piglets have been presented, the dependence of this invasion on the age of animals has been established.

Formation of steadily productive annual mixed sowings based on optimization of mineral nutrition

Complex researches have been conducted in the Tver region on sod medium podzolic sandy loam well-cultivated soil. We have studied implementation of crop yield programmable levels by means of vetch-barley-oats mixtures different in composition. The advantage of their cultivation on grain-and-hay has been revealed, when the program both at the background of 2.5 thous. feed unit /ha and 5.0 thous. feed unit /ha on all variants of mixed crops was exceeded. Program has been carried out only at the programming level on 2.5 thous. feed unit / ha when growing mixtures for grain.

Phytosanitary state of blue lupine crops under conditions of Pskov Region

The phytosanitary assessment of blue lupine crops under conditions of the North-Western zone of the Russian Federation has been done. Harmful objects in lupine agrocenosis have been identified, control measures have been suggested.

Tendencies of dairy cattle breeding development in vologda region and north-west federal district

The article presents monitoring of the number of farms, livestock and productivity indices of dairy cattle in the Vologda region and in the North-West Federal District within the period of five years.

Ecological-Faunistic review of Gastropoda (Cuvier, 1795) representatives under the Vologda region conditions

Data on species composition of fresh-water mollusks, representatives of Gastropoda (Cuvier, 1795) under the conditions of the Vologda region are provided. 27 types relating to 10 childbirth: Aplexa (Fleming, 1820), Physa (Draparnaud, 1801), Lymnaea (Lamarck, 1799), Anisus (Studer, 1820), Armiger (Hartmann, 1840), Planorbis (Geoffroy, 1767), Segmentina (Fleming, 1818), Bithynia (Leach, 1818), Valvata (O.F.Müller, 1774), Viviparus (Montfort, 1810) are determined. Dominating look is Lymnaea truncatula, Müller, 1774. The main groups of biotopes are defined.

Ethological individuality as a sign of ayrshire cattle breeding

Studies having been carried out on animals of Ayrshire breed show that indexes of food, motion and total activity selection can be successfully used as selection signs. Selection of cows on ethological individuality is accompanied by an increase of their milk production. Animals with increased food activity, compared to cows with a low one, have got the rise of milk yield per lactation by 686 kg. Ultra-active cows should be mentioned particularly, productivity of them opposite to infrapassive ones increases by 49%.

Chlorella suspension use in feeding yield heifers of blackand white breed in milk period growth

The article gives the results of studying on chlorella suspension influence on the yield heifers of black-and white breed. It has been established that feeding crop additions to animals in milk period growth of 0,5kg per head during twenty-four hours brings an increase in average daily gain, feeding activity of heifers along with health conditions optimization.

Developing fertilizer system for lawn grass stands

This paper is the result of studying the peculiarities of mineral nutrition of lawn grass stands established on the basis of perennial bottom meadow grasses. In this work the assessment of the main mineral nutrients removal by the top mass of lawn plants during the whole growing season and for each mowing cycle has been given, the doses of mineral fertilizers for each experimental option in active substance and in physical weight have been defined.

The quality of bulky feeds on the farms of the Vologda Region

The article presents the results of studying the chemical composition and quality of forage harvested on farms of the Vologda Region. As a result of detailed analysis of roughages and succulents nutritive value it has been revealed that regarding metabolizable energy and crude protein they insufficiently meet the needs of highly productive animals. The proportion of the 1st and 2nd class fodders in 2014 was as follows: 14.1% of hay, 38.5% of haylage, 44. 8% of silage.

Methodical approaches to the use of laying hen forced molting

The analysis shows various methods of hen forced molting used in different farms. The methods used nowadays allow increasing the lifetime of laying hens, reducing the duration of molting and identifying stress resistant hens.


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