Weevils of the genus Sitona in seed crops of galega orientalis

УДК 632.377:633.3

On seed crops of Galega orientalis (sod-weakly podzolic soil) weevils of the genus Sitona belonging to Coleoptera order have been found. High efficiency (98,5-100,0 %) of actellic drug against Sitona weevils with the normal flow of 1 l/ha has been established.

Methodology of regional milk-product сlusters formation

УДК 332.1

The article describes the universal methodology system of any activity, including the main three sections, a methodology is proposed for milk- product cluster formation and a detailed description of its structural elements is given as well, in which the basic stages of regional milk-product cluster formation is determined and the key position of the cluster formation is given.

Silvicultural and economic assessment of the European beaver’s (Castor fiber) activity

УДК 630*9:591.524.1

Research works on the consequences of the European beaver’s reacclimatization are becoming highly demanded lately. Moreover, the economic assessment of plant resources (defining their value in money terms) is gaining great practical importance. In this work silvicultural and economic assessment of the European beaver’s activity has been given. The activity of the European beaver causes silvicultural and economic damage to forestry. In addition, weakening the forests’ protective function takes place.

Comparative analysis of agricultural producers crediting methods efficiency

УДК 336.77:338.43.005

In this article the comparative analysis of agricultural producers crediting methods efficiency has been carried out. The advantages of crediting through credit cooperatives have been highlighted. Calculations have shown that for the agricultural producer it is more profitable to join a credit cooperative for receiving loans than to take a loan in a commercial bank.

Spruce undergrowth biomass structure in birch forests of various ages

УДК 574.36:630*5

In birch forests of bilberry type in vegetation conditions the influence of age statement of leaf-canopy on biometrical parameters of spruce undergrowth under the Syamzhenskiy district of the Vologda region is studied. It is established that with the birch age increase the conditions for growth and development of conifer undergrowth deteriorate, as a result it changes the biomass structure, morphometrical parameters and age of under canopy needles.

Government support of the machine-building industry as a factor of economic potential growth of agricultural machine building in the Vologda region

УДК 338.45:332.12

The article gives proofs on the necessity of state support and change in the Vologda region industrial economy management, where the cluster policy implementation plays the leading role, in particular, in relation to the machine building industry, being the key element in providing the agricultural enterprises with agricultural machines and equipment. According to the results of testing the methodology of complex comparative evaluation of the economic potential of the Vologda region industries, the authors give the problem solutions that ensure the economic potential growth of machine building due to the state support system, which is slight nowadays. The article describes the organizational model of the machine-building cluster of the Vologda region and formulates its key goals and objectives.

Ecological-Epizootic Monitoring of Helminth Infections in Cattle at Milk-Producing Farms of the Vologda Region

УДК 619:616.995.132

The data of monitoring studies of ecological-epizootic situation on the helminthoses of cattle at dairy farms of Vologda region have been given. The distribution of helminthoses depending on the natural - economic areas, seasonal and age dynamics of helminth infections, time period of helminth infection, associated invasions, the dependence of infected animals on the breed factor and on the animals keeping technology have been studied.

Improving Water Management: problems and prospects

УДК 628.17:628.381.1

The dynamics of water use indices in the Russian Federation and in the Vologda Region has been evaluated in the article. The dimensionless water use efficiency indices have been suggested. Small applicability of the best available technologies, high energy intensity of waste and natural water clarification, inappropriate disposal of wastewater sludge, high water tariffs in the countryside can be considered as the main problems of water use in the Vologda region. Using wastewater sludge as fertilizer is the most rational method of its disposal.

Influence of feed quality on milk productivity indicators

УДК 636.2.084

The article presents the results of studies on affecting of feed quality on the quality and quantity milk indicators in view of a livestock management method and milking technology. The analysis has revealed the relationship between the balanced diet of dairy cows and the level of milk yield. With the improvement of bulky feed quality the quality of milk has improved too. During the period under review we have noticed an increase in milk production and mass fraction of milk fat content using all management methods and technologies of milking. The content of the mass fraction of protein in milk has stayed almost on the same level, only a slight decrease has been observed in the milking parlor. The results of the research have shown that the increase of harvested feed level and its nutritional value improves milk production.

Investigation results of CO2 concentration in a standard barn for 200 cow heads

УДК 636.083;004.92

These investigations were conducted in a standard barn for 200 stanchion cows in the summer period with a special electronic device, the analysis of the obtained data was made with the use of graphical information modelling, the results demonstrated, that CO2 concentration was from 700 till 1200 ppm average and did not exceed 50% of the maximum permissible concentration. The lowest CO2 concentration was registered on the windward and leeward side of the barn; and the highest one was registered about in 1.4-1.9 times higher in the central part of the barn.

Технологические аспекты производства обогащенных кисломолочных продуктов с использованием молочной сыворотки

УДК 637.146.003.13

The article presents the technology of producing enriched fermented dairy products with whey. The authors describe the composition of the multicomponent starter culture for fermented dairy products, which provides probiotic properties of the products. The component composition and parameters of fermenting milk and whey basis for fermented dairy products are determined. The reasonability of using the syrup of the white mulberry fruit in formulations and its mass fraction applying is determined.

Effect of barn layout solutions on manure-containing waste water amount

УДК 636.083.312.3

The paper presents calculation results of manure-containing waste water amount from the milking parlour for six variants of dairy herd housing on the example of the dairy farm for 1200 milking cows with loose and cubicle housing. Depending upon the size of technological groups and barn layout solutions the amount of produced waste water may vary up to 12.5%.

The justification of the use of microwave radiation to dry flax in the tape

УДК 677.027.162

Еhe article substantiates the necessity to dry the stalks of flax trusts prior to mechanical processing by means of installations with less energy- and metal consumption. A new method to dry flax in the tape using microwave energy is offered. The main parameters that control the process of microwave flax drying are determined. Preliminary results of experimental researches of the new method to dry flax in the tape using microwave energy are presented.

Assessment of the investment impact on an enterprise (branch) economic activity on the investment strategy development phase (on the example of enterprises of dairy industry)

УДК 658.152

The success of our investment activities is largely determined by the degree of the entity adaptation to the investment environment. This requires to carry out the forecast of the investment environment condition at the early stage of the investment strategy formation. This allows industry use the favourable opportunities to invest and be prepared for negative factors that may be associated with the investment process, identify the most favourable alternatives, thereby ensure the effective adaptation of investment strategy to external conditions. The article gives the algorithm of drawing up the forecast on the assessment of the investment environment impact on the enterprise (industry) economic activity as one of the initial stages of enterprise investment strategy formation. Based on the selection and testing of the proposed factors characterizing the state of the investment environment of milk processing enterprises, the assessment of the reliability rate of enterprise’s economic activity in the dairy industry on the current economic, political, and financial conditions has been made. The usage of the proposed algorithm of actions will allow adapt the investment activities of the company to the unfavourable effects of environmental factors.

Economic efficiency of canned milk product with sugar, malt and malt extract production

УДК 637.345

The work was carried out on marketing researches of the canned dairy products market of the Vologda region and the calculation of economic efficiency of the products developed on the basis of malt and malt extract production. The results of the calculation showed that the cost of new products does not exceed the desired potential customers the price established in the course of marketing research. Also, the advantage of the developed canned milk products with sugar is the increased nutritive and biological value in contrast the traditional canned milk.

Forecasting of agricultural production under conditions of cyclical fluctuations and innovative development (on the example of milk production in the siberian federal district)

УДК 332.114

In this research the methods of agricultural production forecasting under conditions of cyclical fluctuations and innovative development have been substantiated and tested in the form of inertial and innovative forecasting of milk production in the Siberian Federal District.

Formation of human capital as a condition of innovative development of regional agriculture system

УДК 338.43

In the study the mechanism of sustainable development of human capital has been proved based on the creation and development of a unified information and educational environment on the basis of the Resource Center. The methods for forecasting of human resourcing in agriculture have been developed based on focused training of students by the example of the regions of the European North of the Russian Federation.

Re-selection effectiveness of Kostroma purebred cattle

УДК 636.22/28.082

The research has been organized at “Experimental farm “Karavaevo” in 2015. Cows after re-selection exceed other selection types cattle in milk productivity 133kg(Р<0,001) during the 3-rd and more lactation period and 213 kg (Р<0,001) in the highest lactation time. From 70 re-selection cows 33(47%) have milk productivity more than 8000 kg during 305 lactation days. It has been noticed high breed value of bulls: Krik 9194, Ryadoc 3023, Bushuy 2726 Master›s relative 106902, Spike 5169 Leyrd›s relative group 71151 and Lednik bull 3518 Ladka›s line КТКS-253. High levels of milk production in purebreed families have been observed in animals obtained by selecting options AB × BB, AB × AB, BC × AA by EAB - blood group locus. Re-selection is of great practical importance by preparation of bulls-continuers. Thus our studies has been shown practical value of reselection in breeding dairy cattle. Genetic markers of blood groups using in selection planning allows to identify their most desirable options.

Formalization of preparatory work in drawing up an annual accounting report of an agricultural organization

УДК 65.052я.73

The article describes stages of preparatory work prior to drawing up an annual accounting financial report of an agricultural organization. The author analyzes regulatory documents for the financial report preparation of an agricultural organization. The article takes into account various authors’ views on preparatory work stages prior to drawing up an annual accounting financial report. The author proposes to systematize the sequence of preparatory work procedures in the process of drawing up a financial report and justifies their necessity.

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