Crystallizer-evaporator for whey processing

УДК 532.785

The article presents the design of the experimental device that makes it possible to obtain cost-effective whey processing, combining whey concentration with crystallization. The article gives the analysis of heat and mass transfer processes subject to the work cycle duration.

Experimental studies of the milk whey nano-filtrate curdling process with the accompanying lactose crystallization

УДК 532.785

The article gives the results of the experimental researches of the milk whey nano-filtrate curdling process combined with the lactose crystallization made on the experimental unit of crystallizer-evaporator. The direction of temperature regimes optimization of the crystallization process is revealed.

Project Management Applications in Agribusiness: Problems and Solutions


The features of project management and the possibility of its application in the agro-industrial complex are considered in the article. The structure of the agro- industrial complex is analyzed. The fourth sphere, the organization and management, is pointed out. The features of cost accounting in crop production are determined as well as the limitations of the possibility of using the existing classification as a source of information in project management are proved. The methods of updating account information are determined. The factors that contribute to the dissemination of project management in the agro-industrial complex are determined as well.

The system approach to forecast the region’s agriculture: mechanisms and tools

УДК 631.145

The paper presents the theoretical and methodological aspects of agriculture forecasting as an economic system. The systematized forecasting techniques can solve problems to diagnose the state and development of economic systems considering the mass practical use of it in the agricultural sector. The author offers a system of indexes which shifts the focus from the final results on the terms and prerequisites to ensure their achievement in the analysis.

The estimation of resource potential of agricultural organizations

УДК 63:658

The article considers the issues of assessment of the resource potential of the agrarian sector. Methodological approaches to the assessment of the resource potential in agricultural organizations are given. The algorithm for integrated assessment of resource capacity of organizations in agriculture is proposed and tested.

Operation and sustainable development of аgricultural market

УДК 338.1: 635 (045)

The article deals with the problems of operation and development of the agri-food market, greenhouse vegetables market in particular, since greenhouse vegetable growing is actively developing at present taking more and more importance for agriculture and for the supply of population with fresh vegetables throughout the year, including the period when it is impossible to grow the produce in the open ground. Taking into account the analysis and synthesis of domestic and foreign researches on sustainable development of enterprises and industries, the author offers theoretical and methodological propositions for sustainable development of the greenhouse vegetable market.

Training and attracting the personnel in agriculture: problems and decisions

УДК 338.43:331

The main trends in the training of personnel for agriculture are analyzed in the article. It is proved that in Russia and in the Vologda oblast over the last 10 years a fold decrease in the number of people completing their studies in the secondary professional education institutions on specialties of agrarian profile have been watched. Problems in the system of higher agricultural education are identified. In particular, the partiality of the universities’ performance effectiveness monitoring, organized by the Ministry of education and science in Russia, as well as the fallacy in the policy of financing termination “non-core” specialties is justified. Reasons of the fundamentality of education and quality of specialists training low level in universities are identified. Based on the analysis of managers’ questionnaires data in agricultural enterprises, as well as on monitoring of the All-Russia research Institute of agricultural Economics the urgency of the problem to retain young professionals in the agricultural sector is proved. It is shown that in the rural society since 2010 the share of migration-minded people is increasing. It is established that the main reasons are poor conditions of rural life, the lack of prestige of agriculture professions, and low financial motivation of specialists. The specific measures, the implementation of which will contribute to the solution of key problems in the sphere of training and attracting specialists to agriculture are proposed.

Study and possibilyty of using internetional experience of tapping in arkhangelsk region

УДК 630*284.2(470.11)

Tapping- it is rather an ancient form of forest management which represents getting turpentine (resin) from growing trees. The greatest practical importance has tapping of softwood that is mainly represented by pine stands. Resin of pine is used in dozens of production types and leading countries of the world, which include Russia, are the center of its harvesting and processing. The North of the country (Arkhangelsk Region) is its birthplace and the leading base of tapping production in Russia. The peculiarity of the species composition, tapping technology and labor stipulate the scope and volume of harvested raw materials. Analysis and comprehensive assessment of international experience and the possibility of its use in the north of Russia will increase the volume of resin and ensure the development of the industry.

Yields of legume - cereal grass in pasture use depending on the species composition UNDER the Vologda region conditions

УДК 633.2.033(470.12)

The article presents the results of the four years research (2012-2015) on yield capacity, nutritional value and botanical composition of grassland phytocenoses. The most productive is recognized as a four legume-cereal grass mixture on the basis of Carmine red clover and eastern goat’s-rue Krivich in combination with the fescue and timothy grass. Mixture is characterized by a high proportion of legumes (40.9%), enhanced yielding from 1 ha fodder units (2851), digestible protein (400.6 kg / ha) and high nitrogen-fixing ability (69.7 kg / ha).

“Smartamine” feed additive use in dairy cows ration

УДК 636.2.084.421

The article gives the results of methane-containing feed additive use on productive and reproductive characteristics of dairy cows, as well as physical and chemical, and technical properties of milk. Feeding 15 gr of Smartamine feed additive per a head made an increase in milk yield capacity by 13% in keeping the quality of obtained products, as well as optimization of reproductive abilities of cows and their health state.

Studying of rheological characteristics of fermented curds enriched by the hydrolysis of whey proteins

УДК 637.146

Structural-and-mechanical and rheological curds characteristics obtained during fermentation of buttermilk and skimmed milk are studied to develop fermented milk product. Studies were performed by the rotational viscosity measurement method with the help of Rheo-test unit. Dependences of efficient curds viscosity on the shift speed are built as well as dependence of structure reconstruction, efficient viscosity and coefficient of mechanical curds stability on applied hydrolysate dose is determined. It is determined that at HWP application in the amount of 1-3% it gives no negative influence. The results of rheological characteristics are greatly influenced by milk basis.

Rational technological scheme of on-farm feed production for calves with plant matter

УДК 636.085.55:636.085.51

The rational technological scheme of feed production containing plant matter for calves has been explained. The scheme includes mutual extrusion of grain and plant matter, the extrudate next mixing with other feed components, or plant matter making for using during winter period by the combination of low-temperature drying and next entering in feed composition. The scheme makes it easy to enable corresponding procedures in the technological process of on-farm enterprises.

Development of concentrated sweet milk products based on curd whey

УДК 637.345

В лабораторных условиях способом рекомбинирования были вы- работаны образцы концентрированного молочного продукта с частичной заменой сухого обезжиренного молока и воды на жидкую творожную молочную сыворотку. В результате установлено, что разработанный продукт по физико-химическим и по органолептическим показателям качества в целом соответствуют требованиям нормативной документации на традиционное сгущенное молоко с сахаром. Ис- пользование жидкой творожной молочной сыворотки в рецептуре концентриро- ванного молочного продукта с сахаром позволяет повысить биологическую цен- ность продукта.

The definition of the knife force in cutting with a rolling blade in the chopper with a horizontal rotating disc

УДК 631.363.23

The article presents the studies of tuber and horizontal knife interaction in the designed chopper of tuberous roots. According to analytical reasoning, theo- retical dependencies are obtained, on which by using constructive and technologi-cal parameters of the investigated chipper roots, you can determine the cutting force, as well as to build an optimal profile of the cutting edge of the horizontal knife. On the basis of the derived dependence graphs and their analysis are made. The results of experimental studies on the effect of horizontal cutting angle of the blade and the angle of inclination of the hopper walls for the cutting force are given.

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