Investigation of the influence of a prebiotic ingredient on the quality and biotechnological indicators of a biological product

УДК 637.13

In this work, we investigated the effect of different mass fraction of a prebiotic ingredient on the organoleptic parameters and biotechnological properties of a fermented milk biological product obtained by fermenting milk by a consortium of microorganisms with pronounced probiotic properties in order to expand the range of innovative biological products for personalized nutrition. It was found that the best performance is possessed by a biological product, in which the mass fraction of lactitol was 7,5%.

Soft cheese production in the conditions of individual and collective farms

УДК 637.334.34

The work is aimed at studying the suitability of milk for cheese making and developing the technology for soft cheeses production by the thermoacid method in the conditions of personal subsidiary, individual, and collective farms. Research works have been carried out to determine the quality of milk from cows of “Studencheskiy” Scientific Production Center of the Chuvash State Agrarian University. Studies of milk at the testing laboratory center of the university were carried out according to generally accepted methods. Express research methods were used in the training and research laboratory of milk and dairy products technology. It was stated that the ratio of the mass fraction of fat and protein, the mass fraction of fat and dry skim milk residue, the mass fraction of protein and dry skim milk residue does not always meet the requirements for milk intended for cheese making. The results of milk quality research were used in developing the recipe and technology of soft cheese. As a result of multiple studies, a thermoacid method was recommended for the production of soft cheeses in the conditions of individual, collective and personal subsidiary farms.

Designing the composition of a specialized product for sports nutrition

УДК 637.138

The most popular among athletes are products of protein-carbohydrate or carbohydrate-protein composition, which explains the relevance of their design and implementation. The article considers the design of a specialized product for sports nutrition based on secondary dairy raw materials using sunflower flour. It was found that the application from 7.5 to 20 % of sunflower flour in a mixture of skim milk and buttermilk will significantly improve the macro- and micronutrient composition of the product.

Organoleptic characteristics research of a specialized product for sports nutrition

УДК 637.138:637.072

The article considers the component composition of the specialized product for sport nutrition influences on its organoleptic parameters. The influence of sunflower flour amount introduced into the product on its organoleptic characteristics is described, the recommendations for assigning the product to the spoon or drinking type are given, depending on the content of sunflower flour in the product. A comparative analysis of the type of inoculum used on organoleptic parameters is carried out. The selection of sweetener and flavoring matter is made, the dose of their application is justified. Thе organoleptic characteristics of the product are formulated.

Productivity of variegated alfalfa after being treated with growth regulators in the Vologda region

УДК 633.311:631.82

Variegated alfalfa is a forage crop that occupies a leading place among perennial forage crops due to its multicut capacity, high yield of green mass and the nutritional value of the resulted feeds. The article presents the results of plant treatment with Biosil, Al’fastim and Emistim growth regulators. The effect of these preparations on the growth processes of variegated alfalfa and the increase of the green mass yield has been proved from theoretical and practical point of view. In the variant treated with Biosil, the average yield has been 44.9 t / ha, which exceeds the control variant without treatment by 4 t / ha. The yield of green mass in the variant treated with Emistim has exceeded the control variant by 2.1 t / ha and amounted to 43 t / ha.

Improve the feeding standards of gobies raised for meat

УДК 636.2.084

The article describes the results of the study of the effects of different levels of general and protein nutrition, diets with a reduced level of protein, the effect of synthetic lysine and methionine on digestive and metabolic processes, the growth intensity of young cattle and their meat productivity. According to the results of the study, the norm of fiber in the diets of gobies fed at year-round sites in winter conditions was established. The production inspection showed a high efficiency of detailed feeding standards, as well as little information about the change in the need for animals for basic nutrients depending on climatic conditions when harvesting and fattening livestock at year-round sites.

Nutrition and behavior study of reserve heifers kept on various diets


The article describes the study results of nutrition and behavior influence in reserve heifers kept on various diets. According to the results, it has been established that the diet type forms the certain direction of digestive processes in calves. The diet containing haylage enhances the gastric digestion of the calves and contributes to a high level of digestion. Solo-fodder reduces gastric levels and enhances intestinal digestion and somewhat reduces overall nutrient digestibility.

Hematological Blood Values of Store Pigs According to the Automated Analysis Data

УДК 636.4:612.11

Pig breeding, as an independent livestock sector in Russia, has been developing steadily since 2008. This was facilitated by the adoption of the agricultural development program, which assumed an increase in state support for the agro-industrial complex. However, the intensification of pork production places high demands on the quality of livestock, which necessitates the use of breeds, types and lines that can withstand the loads of modern industrial technology without reducing productivity. The article presents the morphological parameters of the peripheral blood of store pigs of large white breed, obtained using a hematology analyzer. Based on the analysis of the data obtained, the authors have came to the conclusion that there is a tendency to an increase in the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, and a decrease in the number of leukocytes and platelets with age in the blood of fattening pigs. These changes can be associated with high growing capacity of fattening piglets and the implementation of effective preventive measures on the farm in relation to piglet anemia.

Influence of humic substances on yield, quality and keeping qualities of red beet

УДК 635.11:631.559:547.992

The research carried out in the Pskov region on sod-podzolic mediumloamy soil during 2017-2019 has shown, that Lignogumat potasssic and Gidrogumin humic preparations increase the field germination of such three varieties of the table beet as Bona, Krasnaya Koroleva and Mulatka by 10-17% in pre-sowing seed preparation. After seed and plant treatment with the humic preparations in stage of the second pair of true leaves, the beet varieties have entered the industrial ripeness stage earlier: the Mulatka variety - for 5-8 days earlier, the Bona variety - for 3-5 days earlier, and the Krasnaya Koroleva variety - for 2-3 days earlier compared to the control plants. The beet plants treated with Gidrogumin have exceeded the control variant (water) by leaf weight by 18.8-28.5% and by root weight by 2.9-12.0%. After being treated with Gidrogumin, the Mulatka variety stands out among the other varieties by the average root weight of 325 g (+12.1%), its yielding capacity of 51.6 t/ha (+22.8%), high yield of commercial beet roots (88.4%) and the lowest total losses (4.5%) during short-term storage. After treating the seeds and plants with Lignogumat potasssic and Gidrogumin humic preparations, the quality of table beet products has not been worsened and the nitrate content has not exceeded the maximum permissible concentration. The cultivation of the Mulatka table beet variety combined with Gidrogumin treatment is profitable from the economic point of view. This variant has given the highest yield of 51.6 t/ha with the lowest labor intensity – 2.70 man hour / t and the cost of 4360 rubles/t, the maximum conditional net income – 8640 rubles/t and the highest level of profitability of 198.2%.

Forming professional competences in training of a breeder-zootechnician

УДК 338.43:378.2:631.527

Pursuing the strategic priorities of agricultural development imposes high requirements for the professional skills of specialists. Implementing professional standards requires new methodological approaches to the formation of educational programs for training breeders-zootechnicians on the basis of the modular-competency approach which ensures training specialists for agricultural organizations who will be able to implement the federal science and technology program of developing Russian agriculture. The methods of building professional competences through the educational program development are substantiated and tested by the authors. The program provides the immediate reaction of the specialist training system to the dynamic requirements of the labor market, qualification obtaining, qualification level improvement, and career development in the directions demanded on the labor market.

Agrotechnological features of creating a highly effective poly-species mixture of annual forage crops

УДК 631.145:631.584.5/633.3

Long-term studying (2009-2020) the agrotechnological features of creating mixtures of annual forage crops in various economic conditions allowed to establish innovative possibilities for implementing a rational synchronization effect on the quantitative and qualitative components in producing this type of forage agricultural products. The overall economic effect of using the proposed innovation is 395.6 rubles (rus) per point-hectare of arable land.

Prevention of embryonic mortality in recipient cows

УДК. 636.2:636.082:591.3

The results of research on the prevention of fetal mortality in recipient cows using a combination of anesthetic and sedative agents to relieve the stress response conducting embryo transplantation are presented. It is noted that during sacral anesthesia with 2% novocaine solution and intramuscular administration of 0.5 ml/ 100 kg of xylanite solution before embryo transplantation, the physiological parameters were within the limits of the physiological norm. Temperature indicators range from 38.4±0.42 to 39.0 ±0.14 ° C, pulse and respiration an hour after administration of drugs in the first experimental group corresponded to the physiological norm (67.6±0.83 beats per minute and 26.0±2.38 respiratory movements per minute). The dose of novocaine solution is calculated according to the instructions for the use of the drug, namely, the length of the croup is measured in cm (from the mucus to the sciatic tubercles) and divided by three, the resulting number denote the amount in ml of novocaine solution require for anesthesia.The level of cortisol is lower in the group with the use of a combination of drugs by 24.6% (P<0.01) than in the control one hour after the introduction of embryos into the female genital tract.

Еfficiency of ayrshirized red range grain-fed cattle taking into account genetic and paratypical factors to increase milk production at a breeding farm

УДК 636.08.003

The article analyses the efficiency of using the Ayrshire breed gene pool to improve the red range grain-fed cattle. The results have been presented and the corresponding conclusions on the further use of crossing red range grain-fed cattle with the Ayrshire breed semen for quality indicators of milk productivity under the conditions of a breeding farm have been drawn. The dependence of milk productivity and live weight of first-calf heifers at different age periods has been determined.

Аntiplatelet therapy for parvovirus enteritis in dogs by age 2 to 6 months

УДК 619:616-07:636.7

The paper presents the results of the use of antiplatelet therapy for parvovirus enteritis in dogs by age 2 to 6 months. The study involved 30 dogs by age 2 to 6 months, who were diagnosed with parvovirus enteritis. They were divided into 2 groups of 15 dogs, one group used standard therapy, the second group, in addition to standard therapy, used antiplatelet therapy. The inclusion of pentoxifylline and rheopolyglucin in the treatment of parvovirus enteritis in dogs allows maintaining the level of lymphocytes on the 3rd (39.21 ± 5.08%) and 5th day of illness (32.91 ± 1.39%), the amount of hemoglobin (137 , 62 ± 13.17 g / l), platelets (352.7 ± 25.41 x 109 / l) and thrombocritis (0.38 ± 0.03%) on the 5th day of illness at the level of control figures; it leads to a decrease in platelet aggregation properties, which is manifested by a decrease in SIAT with all inducers (50.12 ± 8.3% with ADP, 66.71 ± 12.37% with collagen and 71 ± 11.5% with ristomycin on the 3rd day and 45.35 ± 15.83% with ADP, 58.29 ± 16.32% with collagen and 53.12 ± 9.35% with ristomycin on the 5th day) and deceleration of SA with ristomycin to 0.025 ± 0.006 min on 5th day of illness. All of the above can reduce mortality by 20% relative to the group with the basic treatment regimen.

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