Evaluating harvested feed in the Vologda Region for the presence of nitrate compounds

УДК 636.085.3

The improvement of agriculture is inextricably linked with the increase in feed production. The intensive feed production system involves using high doses of nitrogen fertilizers. This significantly increases the yield, but at the same time nitrates accumulate in soil, water and feed. Excessive amount of nitrates causes the wrong course of functioning in natural ecosystems and animal organisms, there is a decrease in the biological value of products. Meanwhile, the importance of nitrates and their impact on human health has increased recently. However, this problem has not yet lost its significance and is increasingly attracting attention of many researchers of various specialties. Currently, there is no clear agreement on the permissible amounts of nitrates in feed for farm animals and on the effect of these toxicants on metabolism.

Evaluating harvested feed in the Vologda Region for the presence of nitrate compounds

УДК 636.085.3

The improvement of agriculture is inextricably linked with the increase in feed production. The intensive feed production system involves using high doses of nitrogen fertilizers. This significantly increases the yield, but at the same time nitrates accumulate in soil, water and feed. Excessive amount of nitrates causes the wrong course of functioning in natural ecosystems and animal organisms, there is a decrease in the biological value of products. Meanwhile, the importance of nitrates and their impact on human health has increased recently. However, this problem has not yet lost its significance and is increasingly attracting attention of many researchers of various specialties. Currently, there is no clear agreement on the permissible amounts of nitrates in feed for farm animals and on the effect of these toxicants on metabolism.

Nutrition and quality indicators of succulent feeds of the vologda region in accordance with the requirements og GOST

УДК 636.2.085(470.1/.2)

The article covers the main requirements for the bulky food quality

when feeding dairy cattle. Silage, wilted grass silage and haylage are succulent feeds

that form the basis of dairy farming diet and can reach up to 80% of it. A comparative

study of succulent feed has showed that silage and haylage harvested from wilted

perennial legumes contain more whole protein (by 29.14% and 37.25%, respectively),

feed units (by 12.00% and 19.23%) and less dry matter (by 24.93% and 4.36%),

crude fiber (by 1.66%). The deviation of haylage nutritional value in comparison with

GOST requirements is insignificant in terms of dry matter content by 12.47%, whole

protein by 1.11%, crude fiber by 2.69% and sugar by 4.48%.

     Consequently, the lack of feed and errors of their use, that lead to a decrease in

milk productivity and loss of product quality, can be compensated for by the bulky feed

quality and full-value in the used diet. Thus, tests of harvested feed aimed at adjusting

the rations in the system of normalized feeding of animals, which allow realizing the

inherent productive capabilities of dairy cows, are of great importance.

Nutrition and quality indicators of succulent feeds of the vologda region in accordance with the requirements og GOST

УДК 636.2.085(470.1/.2)

The article covers the main requirements for the bulky food quality

when feeding dairy cattle. Silage, wilted grass silage and haylage are succulent feeds

that form the basis of dairy farming diet and can reach up to 80% of it. A comparative

study of succulent feed has showed that silage and haylage harvested from wilted

perennial legumes contain more whole protein (by 29.14% and 37.25%, respectively),

feed units (by 12.00% and 19.23%) and less dry matter (by 24.93% and 4.36%),

crude fiber (by 1.66%). The deviation of haylage nutritional value in comparison with

GOST requirements is insignificant in terms of dry matter content by 12.47%, whole

protein by 1.11%, crude fiber by 2.69% and sugar by 4.48%.

     Consequently, the lack of feed and errors of their use, that lead to a decrease in

milk productivity and loss of product quality, can be compensated for by the bulky feed

quality and full-value in the used diet. Thus, tests of harvested feed aimed at adjusting

the rations in the system of normalized feeding of animals, which allow realizing the

inherent productive capabilities of dairy cows, are of great importance.

The quality of bulky feeds on the farms of the Vologda Region

УДК 636.085

The article presents the results of studying the chemical composition and quality of forage harvested on farms of the Vologda Region. As a result of detailed analysis of roughages and succulents nutritive value it has been revealed that regarding metabolizable energy and crude protein they insufficiently meet the needs of highly productive animals. The proportion of the 1st and 2nd class fodders in 2014 was as follows: 14.1% of hay, 38.5% of haylage, 44. 8% of silage. The analysis of the received data on the nutrients content in roughages and succulent fodders allows to find the causes of their low quality and plan their elimination in the future.

The quality of bulky feeds on the farms of the Vologda Region

УДК 636.085

The article presents the results of studying the chemical composition and quality of forage harvested on farms of the Vologda Region. As a result of detailed analysis of roughages and succulents nutritive value it has been revealed that regarding metabolizable energy and crude protein they insufficiently meet the needs of highly productive animals. The proportion of the 1st and 2nd class fodders in 2014 was as follows: 14.1% of hay, 38.5% of haylage, 44. 8% of silage. The analysis of the received data on the nutrients content in roughages and succulent fodders allows to find the causes of their low quality and plan their elimination in the future.

Influence of feed quality on milk productivity indicators

УДК 636.2.084

The article presents the results of studies on affecting of feed quality on the quality and quantity milk indicators in view of a livestock management method and milking technology. The analysis has revealed the relationship between the balanced diet of dairy cows and the level of milk yield. With the improvement of bulky feed quality the quality of milk has improved too. During the period under review we have noticed an increase in milk production and mass fraction of milk fat content using all management methods and technologies of milking. The content of the mass fraction of protein in milk has stayed almost on the same level, only a slight decrease has been observed in the milking parlor. The results of the research have shown that the increase of harvested feed level and its nutritional value improves milk production.

Influence of feed quality on milk productivity indicators

УДК 636.2.084

The article presents the results of studies on affecting of feed quality on the quality and quantity milk indicators in view of a livestock management method and milking technology. The analysis has revealed the relationship between the balanced diet of dairy cows and the level of milk yield. With the improvement of bulky feed quality the quality of milk has improved too. During the period under review we have noticed an increase in milk production and mass fraction of milk fat content using all management methods and technologies of milking. The content of the mass fraction of protein in milk has stayed almost on the same level, only a slight decrease has been observed in the milking parlor. The results of the research have shown that the increase of harvested feed level and its nutritional value improves milk production.

The application of bio-preserving agents in the procurement of corn silage in the vologda region Fomenko Polina Anatoljevna, senior researcher

УДК 636.085.522.55(470.12)

The quality of harvested corn silage with the use of preserving agents and without preserving agents was studied. The nutritional value of corn silage and the production of high quality feed for feeding highly productive animals have been revealed. The positive effect of preserving agents on the quality of corn silage has been established.

The application of bio-preserving agents in the procurement of corn silage in the vologda region Fomenko Polina Anatoljevna, senior researcher

УДК 636.085.522.55(470.12)

The quality of harvested corn silage with the use of preserving agents and without preserving agents was studied. The nutritional value of corn silage and the production of high quality feed for feeding highly productive animals have been revealed. The positive effect of preserving agents on the quality of corn silage has been established.

Desk02 theme
