Research of composition and physical-chemical properties of curd whey concentrate obtained by nanofiltration
The article presents studies of nanofiltrate-curd whey concentrate
samples as well as its calculated nutritional and caloric value. It shows the expediency of
using nanofiltrate-curd whey concentrate in the production of functional dairy products.
The correlative dependence of sires gametogenesis on heliophysical factors
There has been identified the bulls with the maximum ejaculate volume
belonging to the line Montvik Chieftain 95679, exceeding by 23,5% on this parameter
bulls of the Simmental lines. The bulls of different genotypes show a reliable negative
correlation in the main signs of sperm production with cosmophysical indicators of solar
and geomagnetic activity. The Raphael’s 3111 lines bulls have been more sensitive to
the learned factors of cosmic influence than Bravo’s 6802 line bulls. Among the Holstein
lines the most stable bulls in gametogenesis have been the Montvik Chieftain 95679.
The leastest tolerance have the S.T. Rockit’s 252803 lines bulls. The generative activity
of bulls significantly has decreased with the increasing of the geomagnetic disturbance.
Comparative productivity evaluation of meadow clover (trifolium pratense l.) different varieties in the Vologda region
It was found that the highest hay yield compared to the standard Trio
variety was observed in the Taezhnik variety (105.3 C/ha) in the conditions of the
Vologda region on sod-podzolic medium loamy soil for 2017-2019. The variety to
control provided a significant increase in yield of 15.9 C / ha (18%). The Allure variety
showed a significantly lower yield compared to the standard (17 C / ha, i.e.19%). The
rest of the studied Ranniy-2 and Roseta varieties provided the yield at the standard
level. The tested varieties of meadow clover showed good and almost excellent winter
hardiness which is 4-4.7 points. The content of “raw” protein exceeded the control
grade of Ranniy-2 (by 1.2%), Taezhnik (by 0.9%), Allure (by 0.5%). For the collection
of “raw” protein with a yield of green mass, the Allure and Roseta varieties were inferior
to the standard by 153 and 11 kg / ha. Ranniy- 2 and Taezhnik varieties provided the
collection of “raw” protein with a green mass yield of 1155 and 1245 kg/ha, respectively,
exceeding the standard by 173 and 263 kg / ha. The average and large correlation of
such indicators as the yield of clover varieties and plant height from r = 0.551 to r =
0.743 was revealed. A weak relationship was established between such indicators as
leafiness and yield (r = 0.434 – 0.525), yield and protein content (r = 0.451), protein
content in the green mass and plant leafiness (r = 0.448).
Сultlvation of narrow-leaved fireweed (сhamaenerion angustifolium) together with maral root (rhaponticum carthamoides) (willd) jlin
The authors investigated the ability of narrow-leaved fireweed
(Сhamaenerion angustifolium or Ivan-chai) to grow together with maral root
(Rhaponticum Carthamoides) (Willd.) Iljin. in the Northern part of the non-chernozem
soil zone of Russia. Both plants were found to start grow immediately after melting
of snow cover. The phenological flowering period of the maral root occurs earlier than
that of the narrow-leaved fireweed. The experiment has revealed that in a mixture of
grasses, narrow-leaved firewood is being suppressed. In the third year of life there is
a thinning of the stalk of Ivan chai due to a drop in the shoot-producing capacity of its
roots. During the period of the experiment the productivity of the grass mixture was
lower, than in control version by 5 t/ha. In the control version, the metabolic energy
and raw protein collection were 11.2 GJ/ha and 179.3 kg/ha higher than in the grass
mixture. The maral root in the third year of growth develops a strong root system and
a leaf rosette, which results the unfavorable conditions for the narrow-leaved fireweed
(Сhamaenerion angustifolium) and it becomes obvious that it is displaced by the maral
root from the cenosis composition.
Quality and nutritive value of Galega orientalis silage depending on the moisture content of the silage mass
In the experiments we studied the effect of the moisture content in
plant raw materials when making silage from Galega orientalis on its nutritional value
and quality. It has been found that the moisture content of raw materials has a great
impact on the quality and nutritional value of silage. The lower the moisture content
in the plant raw materials when making silage, the more nutritious and better silage is
obtained, which must be taken into account when preparing it.
Rational area of walking zones in raising broiler chickens
As a result of the studies, it has been found that higher productivity
and better meat qualities of free-range chickens were obtained in the group of poultry,
where each head of poultry had 3 m2 of walking area.
Forming yielding capacity of green and dry mass of topinambur depending on its harvesting time
The article presents the research results on the influence of topinambur
harvesting time on the green mass and absolute dry matter yields. The one-factor
experiment has been launched according to the method of B.A. Dospekhov in the
educational and scientific experimental field of Perm State Agrarian and Technological
University. The experiment has followed the following scheme: 1 – gathering of green
mass on the 10th day after the flowering phase, 2 – gathering of green mass on the 20th
day after the flowering phase, 3 – gathering of green mass before tuber lifting. According
to the research results, the harvesting time of green mass has not had any influence
on its yielding capacity (13.1‒15.5 t/ha), or the dry mass yield (3.01‒3.44 t/ha). There
is a tendency for the green mass yield to decrease from an earlier harvest period to a
later one – by 1.7‒2.4 t/ha and dry mass-by 0.16‒0.43 t/ha. The plant survival rate
(88-92%) and the plant standing density (3.2‒3.4 pcs/m2) before harvesting have not
shown any dependence on the harvesting time. A significant increase in absolute dry
matter content of the crop continues until the flowering phase and reaches its maximum
of 6.45 t/ha. Due to the outflow of nutrients from the aboveground part of the plant to
the ground one, there is a sharp decrease in dry mass yield by the first harvest time (by
3.28 t/ha) after the flowering phase. The maximum height of plants is also found in the
flowering phase –153 cm, after which the plant stops to grow. The highest vitamin C
content in topinambur green mass has been found when mowing it before tuber lifting
(65.6 mg/kg), the highest carotene content has been observed when harvesting the
green mass on the 10th-20th day after the flowering phase (17.2‒18.0 mg/kg), the
highest crude ash content has been found when harvesting on the 20th day after the
flowering phase (3.4%).
Nutrition and quality indicators of succulent feeds of the vologda region in accordance with the requirements og GOST
The article covers the main requirements for the bulky food quality
when feeding dairy cattle. Silage, wilted grass silage and haylage are succulent feeds
that form the basis of dairy farming diet and can reach up to 80% of it. A comparative
study of succulent feed has showed that silage and haylage harvested from wilted
perennial legumes contain more whole protein (by 29.14% and 37.25%, respectively),
feed units (by 12.00% and 19.23%) and less dry matter (by 24.93% and 4.36%),
crude fiber (by 1.66%). The deviation of haylage nutritional value in comparison with
GOST requirements is insignificant in terms of dry matter content by 12.47%, whole
protein by 1.11%, crude fiber by 2.69% and sugar by 4.48%.
Consequently, the lack of feed and errors of their use, that lead to a decrease in
milk productivity and loss of product quality, can be compensated for by the bulky feed
quality and full-value in the used diet. Thus, tests of harvested feed aimed at adjusting
the rations in the system of normalized feeding of animals, which allow realizing the
inherent productive capabilities of dairy cows, are of great importance.
A medical case of diagnosis and treatment of hepatoid glands adenocarcinoma in a dog, the use of wound healing techniques of humane medicine
The paper presents a diagnostic approach to a patient with a suspected
malignant disease. Morphological description of the cytogram, cell morphology and
tumor differentiation have been given. Surgical treatment (excision of the tumor) has
been performed applying the wound healing techniques of humane medicine used in
the removal of perianal fistulas.
Influence of bulls on the reproduction indicators of daughters taking into account their productivity
The main objective of the development of dairy cattle breeding is to increase
the breeding productive characteristics, taking into account the preservation of the
reproductive qualities of animals. The research was conducted on the basis of data
from the breeding plant for black-and-white cattle breeding OOO “Zazerkalie” in the
Vologda region. Bulls-improvers were determined by the complex of selected traits,
taking into account the linear affiliation: Meson 3097402441; Retirement 11720463 of
the line of the R. Sovering (1st lactation of daughters). It is recommended to use the
best breeding material (seed of breeding bulls, breeding young), which allows the next
generation to get a reliable improving effect on the selected characteristics.
The influence of cows’ breeds on the quality indicators of milk
In modern conditions of breeding dairy breeds of cattle, an important
element of the study is the influence of breed and quality indicators of milk. The studies
were carried out in 2019 on the basis of the SHPK “Plemzavod Maysky” Vologda region
on the quality indicators of milk from Ayrshire and black-and-white cows in the amount
of 15663 milk samples. Based on the results of milk samples, a research database on
milk quality indicators was formed and a comparative characteristic was carried out
taking into account the season of the year. As a result of the research, all analyzed
breeds have high quality indicators of milk that meet the requirements of State Standard
throughout the year.